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Not sure where the top picture is from, but it looked cool.



AN: Welcome to Chapter 23, the first compilation of short stories. This chapter would correspond to little gift shop of horrors, so I decided to make some mini-adventures before we resume big chapters next time.

This will be a mixture of canon and non-canon, and will feature several ideas from you in the community. With that out of the way, enjoy




Direct Continuation



.GIFfany slowly opens her eyes. (eyes? She doesn't have eyes.) She stretches, soaking in the morning sun while yawning. She has had an excellent night of sleep, and is ready to face the day. (She doesn't sleep, she doesn't need sleep.) She reluctantly leaves the comfortable warmth of the blankets (She can't feel warmth. She doesn't use blankets.), and looks around her room.

A window with scarlet curtains parted on either side sits directly across from the bed. On the left of the bed is a small desk and chair: on the right a dresser. The wall left of the bed has a sliding closet door next to a door that opens to the rest of the building. The right side from the bed has a trio of empty bookshelves. The floor was carpeted in a light grey, contrasting the lavender walls.

.GIFfany nods to herself, satisfied with her surroundings before realizing something—she has no idea where the hell she is. Her memories come back in a flash. She remembers everything from her creation to her kidnapping. .GIFfany shoots to her feet, her flight-or-fight instincts kicking in. .GIFfany stands by the foot of the bed; coiled like a spring and prepared to strike any who approach.

.GIFfany hears footsteps approaching from outside her room. She panics while looking for a hiding spot, before deciding on the closet. She rushes into the closet, sliding the door closed behind her right before the door opened. .GIFfany held her breath (breath?) as she listened intently to the intruder.

The footsteps paused at the door before walking into the room. .GIFfany heard the footsteps approach the bed and the rustling of blankets. The footsteps then started coming back towards where she was hiding. The footsteps paused and resumed repeatedly as .GIFfany's heart (heart?) pounded in her chest.

The closet door was suddenly flung open. .GIFfany was left blinking with the sudden lighting change, barely able to tell the shape of the person at the door. The figure was taller than .GIFfany, and had a pair of lumps on its back. The figure began to speak.

"Hello. How ya doing?"

.GIF pulls away, further into the closet.

"Hey, come on out of the closet, we've got a lot to talk about." The figure reassured. A flock of ravens flew through the door into the room and began cawing. The figure sighed and turned to address the birds. "Listen here ya little shits, you know that's not what I meant." The crows continued to caw, in an almost laughing way.

"Sorry about them." The figure apologized.

"W-who are you?" .GIFfany stammers. "What did you do to me?"

"I am Philza Minecraft, Crowfather, Angel of Death, and Life. As for what I did..."



The Previous Night



"She is now unconscious." Proteus stated.

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