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AN: Hello. I yet live. I'm just as surprised as you all are.

I've decided to try writing using present tense because it is more exciting, but it is very painful currently. This will be another long one: Tenkate on the discord provided the idea for the Techno side, while someone (I can't remember and your name is now buried under thousands of notifications, sorry) suggested something for the Mystery Twins to do.

Btw, the reason this has been going through so many edits is the formating died and I'm trying to fix it.

Part of this chapter was written while in a voice chat on the discord.

And, we have a Beta now! Please welcome, 空!

Beta's: 空

Discord: eSSP2GtYQS

Also, gonna add this here, TW:

Illegal detainment, Needles, acid on living beings.

(I'll use parentheses.)

[fyi fam i'll be talkin in brackets -S]



Technoblade walks down a set of marble stairs, deep beneath the ground. He is carrying a knapsack filled with various items that he will need once he reaches his destination. Techno arrives at a pair of iron doors and inserts his keycard into a nearby barrel. With a click, the doors swing open and Techno steps through.

Cookin'streamfan: Hello? What are we doing?

Technofan12321: goin to hell @Cookin'streamfan

Average_techno_fan: @Technofan12321 aren't we always?

Technofan12321: yep

Bananamilkshake: gimme a sec, Imma start blaring Highway to Hell, my neighbors will love it.

Carpediem: @Bananamilkshake Very yes

Dinok: Children, you are scaring the new one. Cease.

Carpediem: okay boomer

ChadwickChadeusChaddington: @Carpediem thou should respect thine elders.

THUNDERHOGII: 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00111111 00100000 01001001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01101110 00111111

Laughteryoga: @THUNDERHOGII what?

THUNDERHOGII: 01100111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110100

Laughteryoga: Okay... moving on, @Cookin'streamfan we're going to the nether, which is hell.

Cookin'streamfan: oh, okay. Are we tunneling or...?

Yodasstick: why did you have to say tunneling?


Yodasstick: @Rock'n'Stone chill with that stuff, dude.

Rock'n'Stone: NEVER! For Karl!

Donde_está_la_biblioteca: Por qué está loco?

Def_not_a_stoner: Pretty sure we're all crazy.

Laughteryoga: Probably

ChadwickChadeusChaddington: Most indubitably.

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