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AN: Hello again!

I'm sorry this took so long, School has been getting crazy. I'm sure it hasn't been that long since the last chapter... never mind, it's been a while. I'm so sorry.

In other news, I recently got Mario Galaxy for the Wii, and have been playing through that. It is a classic game, incredibly well crafted, and if you have never played it you definitely should. Every power-up is good (except one), and it walks the line between a challenge and being unfair expertly.

This fic is now being cross-posted on ao3 as well,

Beta'd by the amazing Sora

Discord: https:/ / eSSP2GtYQS (remove spaces)



Wendy walks through the woods away from the Mystery Shack. She just finished hanging with her friends in the cemetery and was heading home to get ready for the concert, but needed to swing by Techno's place because he had offered to enhance her axe because, "If you're gonna be fightin' monsters, ya may as well have the best weapon available."

As she walks through the trees and appreciates nature, Wendy starts hearing the twanging of a guitar. At first it's just a few notes, echoing through the trees, but then as she draws closer to her destination the song fills out. It sounds a little mournful, and it sounds a little hopeful. It sounds like choices made a lifetime ago, and it sounds like that first breath of morning air.

Wendy rounds the final corner to the base just as the guitarist begins to sing.

"Weep for yourself, my man,

You'll never be what is in your heart"

The somber tone of the singer shocks Wendy slightly, as she had never heard him this close to tears before.

"Weep, little lion man,

You're not as brave as you were at the start"

Wendy resumes walking towards the singer, perching above the gate not unlike some great bird of prey.

"Rate yourself and rake yourself,

Take all the courage you have left"

Wendy draws closer stealthily, not wanting to startle the musician.

"And waste it on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head"

Wendy stops and sits on a rock, content to let the music wash over her.

"But it was not your fault but mine

And it was your heart on the line

I really fucked it up this time

Didn't I, my dear?

Didn't I, my..." The guitarist sings before going into an epic guitar solo. At some point in the solo, the musician must have noticed Wendy, as he did not launch into the second verse but instead the song peters down into silence.

Wendy blinks, coming back to herself and greets the musician. "Hey Gh- Wilbur."

"Hello Wendy." Wilbur greets. "let me get the door for you." Wilbur falls backwards from the top of the wall. There is a thud followed by silence before the gate creaks open. "So, what brings you to my humble abode?" Wilbur asks the lumberjane.

"Excuse me?" Techno demands, raising his head from a nearby patch of potatoes. "Excuse me?! Your abode?! I built it." [nah it's Wilburs, prove me wrong ong.]

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