[Chapter 7] Brownie Date

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»Hyunggg!! Over here!«When Chan arrived at their spot at the park, he was greeted by a loud and excited Lix

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»Hyunggg!! Over here!«
When Chan arrived at their spot at the park, he was greeted by a loud and excited Lix. The boy was sitting on a blanket with his famous self-made brownies and two cups of iced coffee.
»Woww, you put some effort into this, Felix!«
»I'm amazing, I know!^^«
Felix seemed very proud of himself and Chan felt honored to be treated like this.
He sat down on the blanket feeling happy to see his favorite boy again and worrying a bit less than earlier.

Without even realizing Chan lost himself in Felix's beauty just from a short glance. He wanted his admiration to stay unnoticed but now he couldn't look away.
»How did your workout go, hyung?«
Chan was caught off guard as the boy suddenly looked up at him. It was hard for him to multitask between making unexpected eye contact and sounding casual with his answer.
»You know, just as usual«

»Ahh okay«
Chan felt like he had made the conversation weird and he should have said something more interesting. Felix on the other hand, didn't even seem to notice Chan's nervousness.
»You need to try the brownies, hyung!«
Before Chan could answer or even prepare himself, the younger boy came closer to feed him.
It was hard to believe that just this morning Chan was feeling sickly worried about their friendship and right now they were already this close again.

I'm lucky he is so clueless. If he had caught on to my behavior earlier, he could have figured everything out. He would have felt betrayed because I didn't tell him. And he would find it weird and gross.

Chan's stomach hurt while he thought about all the possible consequences if his secret got out. He didn't want to feel this way. The moment right here with Felix was lovely but he couldn't even thoroughly enjoy it. He felt similarly to how he did back at the dorms. His own mind was driving him insane and he was sick of all the overthinking.

»Hyung, is everything alright?«
Chan didn't notice how far he had sunken into his own thoughts again. He only escaped for a second as Felix grabbed his hand. It felt encouraging.
Chan knew something had to change but he couldn't come up with a rational way to make it happen.

He looked up and made eye contact with the younger boy again. Especially now there was no way for him to stay rational at all.
»Actually Felix, I need to tell you something«
Chan already started preparing for the worst possible reaction even though he wasn't quite sure yet what he would say next.
He didn't trust his own actions right now but it was too late to stop himself.

»Are the brownies not good?«
»No they're amazing, really. But listen, there's something you deserve to know«
There's no going back now.
»Sure, what is it, hyung?«
Felix looked up at him with curiosity in his eyes.
He really has no idea. I should have just kept quiet then. He would have never known.

»Actually nevermind, it's nothing, Felix«
Chan changed his mind at the last second and did what he thought was better for everyone by not telling him.

»Oh ok? If you're alright then I can tell you something, hyung?«
Chan expected to be questioned further but Felix seemed to have other things to care about. The boy started smiling brightly as if nothing just happened. He didn't even wait for a reply. Whatever he was going to announce seemed very exciting to him.

»Uhmm I've been thinking about this for a while now, hyung. And you know, we're best friends, we can tell each other everything, right?«
Chan had no choice but to accept getting friend-zoned again. He just chose this path himself.
»Sure, whatever it is, you can tell me«
Felix started giggling softly and tried to hide it behind his hand.
»Hmm I'm not sure, it's a little embarrassing«
Chan was still feeling a little down after what just happened but seeing Felix like this cheered him up a little. The boy seemed shy but still happy and excited. He had trouble keeping eye contact and still tried to hide himself. Chan found it adorable.

»When I tell you, just don't laugh at me, hyung«
»Of course not!«
Chan tried to be as reassuring as possible even though he was a little scared of what he would hear next. You could never know what that boy would spit out next. To Chan, he was cute but unpredictable. His irrationality could be a tiny bit frightening. Then Felix had finally built up the courage to reveal his big announcement.

»Ok, so the thing is.. I think I have fallen in love with you, hyung«
His laughing got a lot louder and Chan wasn't sure if he had heard right.
He had no idea what else to say.

»Come on hyung, is it that weird?«
Felix's expression changed a tiny bit after hearing that reaction. But he was still loud and giggly.
He just said that as if it's funny? Is he playing games with me??

»Are you sure?«
Chan didn't know how to feel. Of course, he was more than happy but everything was just too unexpected for him. This was so out of the ordinary, it stunned Chan for a second.
»Hyung, please don't be mad. This doesn't have to change anything«
Chan was so overwhelmed, he didn't even notice the tears forming in his eyes.
Felix looked up at his hyung a little more seriously now waiting for a reply.
»No Lixie, this is amazing«
Chan watched the younger boy get excited again and joined in on his giggles. He pulled his Lixie closer to him and hugged him tightly while tears were rolling down his face. He never imagined things to go like this.

»So it's okay if I like you, hyung?«
Felix apparently was a little more worried than he seemed at first.
»Of course, it's fine Lixie, I feel the same way about you«
The boy's grip got a lot tighter after hearing that.

»Actually Felix, this is something we should celebrate«
Chan couldn't believe his luck. Everything felt so unreal.
»Let me take you out for dinner this evening«
»You mean like an official date?^^«
»Sure, let's call it that«

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