[Chapter 16] Concerns

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Chan's day began alone in his dorm room again

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Chan's day began alone in his dorm room again. He had spent so many days here and thought he was used to it by now but something about the room had changed over the past few days.

It suddenly felt so lonely without Felix around.

Not a minute went by where Chan's mind wasn't drawn to his loverboy.
What could he be up to right now? I haven't seen him in so long, I hope he's doing okay. I hope yesterday's conversation didn't make him feel uncomfortable.
After a while of his overthinking leading to nowhere, he finally gave in and decided to text him.

[Hey Lixie, how are you doing?]

The message was marked as seen almost immediately after he had sent it. It didn't take Felix long to reply.

[I'm doing fine :3]
[What about you hyungie??]
[What are you up to? :0]
[Have you eaten yet???]

The boy typed quickly, it was hard for Chan to keep up but he was happy to get so much attention at once.

[I haven't eaten yet. Do you want to go out to eat with me?]

Even though they were officially together now, Chan still felt nervous about asking him to go on a date.

[Of course hyung!!]
[I'd love to <3]

There was nothing to be nervous about.
Ohh he's really excited about it. And he's even using little heart emojis. Oh my goshh, he's so adorable!!


The two loverboys met up outside the dorms and went to a café nearby.

»How's your sandwich, Lixie?«
Felix looked up from his plate and smiled brightly.
»It's great! Thanks for coming here with me, hyung^^«
Chan found it very cute how the boy was always grateful for everything he got, even if it was something ordinary or insignificant.

They finished the meal and Chan suggested going for a walk together instead of going straight back home.
»Where do you want to go, hyung?«
»I don't know, to be honest«
»Alright, then let's just get going and see where it takes us!«
Felix seemed to love the idea of just heading anywhere with his hyung. He grabbed Chan's hand and excitedly started dragging him along the street.

Chan managed to slow his boyfriend down to a casual walking pace. He wanted to take the opportunity to have a calm conversation with him.
He finally decided to bring up a topic he had been trying to avoid, but the recent talk with Seungmin encouraged him to the point he changed his mind.

»Do you want to tell them about us, Felix?«
The boy didn't answer, he just threw a curious glance back at his hyung. He seemed unsure about how to respond so Chan tried to rephrase his words.
»I feel like it would be okay to tell the members we're dating, don't you agree?«
»I always found it would be fine to tell them, but I thought you were against it, hyung.«
Felix spoke in a genuine tone while starting to walk a little slower. Chan was suddenly not so sure anymore about his original intention of starting the conversation.
»Yeah I was. To be honest I was really concerned about it. I mean isn't it such a big deal? Telling people could endanger our careers and put the whole group at risk. Aren't you scared about it?«
Chan felt the boy tightening the grip on his hand.

»I haven't really thought about it like that. I mean it's just the members. They'll understand and keep our secret safe«
Felix now completely stopped walking and faced his lover, also blocking him from going any further.
»I realize that now as well, Felix. But it took me way too long. I guess maybe I was just stressed about it for no real reason«
Chan tried to convince himself there was nothing to worry about but he somehow felt more overwhelmed by his current emotions than he expected. He took a step towards his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him, searching for comfort in his touch.
»I'm sorry I didn't notice why you felt this troubled about it, hyung. Next time you're concerned about something, please tell me so we can sort it out together«
Chan felt relieved to quickly find the comfort he was looking for.
»Thank you, Felix«

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