[Chapter 19] Alien

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Chan was hoping for peace and quiet as he opened the door to the dorms but like so many other days his wishes weren't fulfilled

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Chan was hoping for peace and quiet as he opened the door to the dorms but like so many other days his wishes weren't fulfilled.
»Is it true, hyung??«
Jisung was already hanging around close by the main entrance door as if he was waiting for Chan to come home. He seemed excited.
»Is it true you and Felix are a thing now??«
Chan sighed deeply but as he promised himself, he didn't want to hide it anymore.
»Yes. It's true.. how do you know?«
He tried to play it off casually.
»Minho texted us in the group chat. He said he overheard Felix tell the others. We all know now«

»Are you mad?«
Chan felt unsure about the situation now that Jisung had made a big deal out of it. But his response was different than Chan expected.
»Mad? What do you mean?«
»I was worried you guys would feel betrayed«
»I guess so«
Chan got more quiet. He wanted to list all of the scary things he had been concerned about, all the stories he had already made up in his head. But he didn't want to seem vulnerable.

Jisung put one hand on Chan's shoulder.
»Hey, hyung... you didn't actually think we were gonna be angry about this, right?«
He suddenly sounded a lot more serious, maybe even a bit frightening. Chan couldn't even bring up the courage to reply anything.

»Why would you think that? Aren't we nice enough to you?«
Jisung himself even got startled at how scary he suddenly sounded. He took his hand off of Chan's shoulder and took a step back.
»No, that's not what it is, really. I don't even know what I was thinking. I didn't know what to do«
Chan was almost crying at this point. He wasn't prepared for a talk like this. His emotions got way too overwhelming so quickly.

»It's all good now, hyung, don't worry«
Jisung had probably noticed how nervous Chan felt right now.
»I don't understand your way of thinking sometimes, hyung«
Jisung's mood suddenly switched, like he never meant to sound harsh in the first place.
»But I don't have to understand. What's important right now is, you don't have to worry any longer. We're here for you, alright?«
He pat his hyung on the shoulder one more time and then just left, leaving Chan behind a little confused. Jisung probably also didn't know how to handle the situation anymore.

But it was enough said.
Chan was relieved to have the other members supporting him
but he also felt guilty about how right Jisung was; he shouldn't have been worrying in silence for so long.


Chan could almost physically feel the emptiness of his room as he entered through the door. Just before the dreadful silence could get to him again, he heard his phone buzzing. 

[Channieee hyungg<33]
[Are you done with work now ㅠㅠ??]

Chan couldn't help but smile at his phone screen as he read the little boy's messages.

[Hey Lixie, I haven't even started :P]

Chan had already sent the message when he noticed his little mistake of letting Felix's emoji usage habits rub off on himself.

[Hyungiee :(((]
[Text me when you're done!!^^☆]

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