[Chapter 12] Poolside Funtime

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The three boys met up around noon to go to the swimming center

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The three boys met up around noon to go to the swimming center. It was the biggest one in the area, with 3 different sections; one with slides and shallow water for children, one for exercising and professional swimming, and one for relaxation with hot tubs and saunas.
Chan thought the place was a little too big but the two younger boys insisted on coming here.

When they arrived, they noticed the only unoccupied locker rooms were community rooms. They didn't really mind changing together, they had done it many times before, nothing unusual. But Chan might have taken an extra peek at Changbin to find out what he would wear.

Chan planned on wearing a tank top with his bathing shorts but when he noticed Changbin was going shirtless, he did the same. He didn't want to admit it but of course, it was to get Felix's attention. Changbin had a great body so naturally Chan told himself he had to keep up.
He did feel a little hesitant about it but it was a swimming center after all, they weren't going to be the only ones shirtless in there.
Also, he had heard the way Felix talked about his other hyungs. Chan knew his lover was very fond of Changbin... including his body. So Chan was sure he had to put in some effort to stay Felix's number one.

Lost in his thoughts again Chan didn't even notice the two other guys were already prepared to leave and just waited for him to come along. He saw Felix had put on a white short-sleeved shirt. He looked great in it but Chan couldn't help but let his mind drift off for another second. The fantasy of the body beneath that shirt made him wish the boy would have also gone for a more revealing outfit choice.
Chan caught himself just right before his stare would have gotten too obvious. He tried hard to stay focused and started following the other boys to the locker room exit.

Once they finally got to the pools Changbin suggested they should go swim some laps first. Chan agreed and they started exercising in the water. Felix only sat by the ledge and cheered for them at first but they convinced him to join them soon.
Chan enjoyed the refreshing workout. He loved all kinds of sports and it was nice to get some variety. It took a long time for him to get tired since he was so incredibly athletic. But after a while, the boys finally decided they had enough and wanted to reward themselves by checking out the third section of the swimming center.

The third section was the biggest of the three, with hot tubs, large pools with fountains, several saunas, and an outdoor area. The outdoor pools had heated water so it wouldn't get cold even though it started getting dark outside. They went outside first and enjoyed the warmth of the water.

»Ahh this feels amazing after such an extreme workout«
Felix was happy he didn't have to swim laps anymore but Changbin immediately started jokingly lecturing him on how the workout wasn't extreme at all.
»Swimming these laps wasn't even the slightest bit hard. I could have kept going for hours«
As he kept bragging, Chan started to automatically slightly tune out Changbin's voice. Felix also didn't seem to listen as he threw a few short glances at his lover. Chan thought the boy was trying to tell him something so he slowly got closer. Changbin kept on explaining his exercising tips when Chan ended up right beside Felix.

The boy didn't even look back at him as he suddenly grabbed his lover's hand. Chan tried to keep it together but there must have been a noticeable reaction since Felix turned to him and started whispering;
»He won't notice since our hands are underwater«
»Just for your information: Water is clear... he can see right through it«
Chan tried to sound serious while keeping his voice down but the boy found it rather amusing and just giggled as he held his hyung's hand even tighter.

Changbin seemed to have finished his lecture.
»I'm gonna go check out the saunas. Do you guys want to come with me?«
»Nah thanks, I'm good«
Chan had been secretly waiting for Changbin to leave so he could have some time alone with his lover. But he noticed Felix was considering to accompany Changbin. Chan lightly squeezed the boy's hand causing him to change his mind.
»Yeah I'll also stay here«
»Alright, see you in a while then«
With that, Changbin got out of the water and made his way to the saunas.

Chan made sure he was completely out of sight before he turned back to Felix.
»What will I do with you now?«
Chan tried to look intimidating while getting closer to the boy, pushing him a step back against the pool wall.
»That wasn't very smart of you, Felix. Holding my hand right in front of Changbin«
He put his arms on each side of Felix, his hands on the wall so the boy wouldn't be able to escape.
»Yeah hyung? Look who's talking, coming onto me like that in public«
Chan didn't care about the other people in the pool. They were almost completely alone since not many visitors came here at these hours on a weekday.
»You knew what you were doing; making me feel all nervous in front of my friend«
Now Felix started to smile. Chan knew he had done him a favor by admitting to his weakness.
He grabbed onto the boy's waist, feeling the wet fabric of his shirt sticking to his skin.
He took a step forward, further trapping his lover between the wall and himself.
»If you keep playing with me like that, I won't tolerate it any longer«
With that, he took his final step forward to place his lips on Felix's.
He wasn't actually mad about getting teased. He loved the boy's playfulness, he just for once wanted to show him who was really in control.

The kiss lasted long enough for Felix to adjust and wrap his arms around his hyung's upper body.
Chan flinched a tiny bit at the feeling of the younger boy's hands on his bare skin. Felix seemed to enjoy the experience as he started to drag his hands from Chan's back to his stomach, slightly brushing over his abs. It was enough for Chan to deeply giggle into the kiss.

They enjoyed their time alone together until it was time to meet up with Changbin again. Luckily, he didn't notice anything abnormal about their behavior; at least he didn't say anything.
The swimming center closed down soon so it was time for them to go home.

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