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In the dimly lit room, behind closed doors, BTS huddled together, preparing for their mission to rescue Yn from the clutches of the malicious Junghyun. Their determination radiated through the air as Namjoon, their leader, addressed their trusted men with a stern voice.

"Listen, everyone. Our first and foremost priority is to get Yn out safely, no matter the cost. Are we clear?" he commanded, his tone laced with authority, projecting the power of a leader worn by experience.

The men, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation, responded in unison, "Yes, boss," their voices filled with unwavering loyalty.

With their preparations complete, the right-hand henchman informed them that everything was in order, prompting their departure. The time for action had arrived.

Namjoon's voice resonated with a newfound intensity as he dismissed the men, "You may go."

Once their allies had left, Namjoon shifted his gaze to his brothers, ensuring their readiness. "Do you all remember your positions?" he asked, his eyes scanning each member for affirmation.

A chorus of "yes" reverberated through the room. Their unity and unwavering determination were palpable.

As they embarked towards Junghyun's base, Yoongi, the weight of the situation heavy on his heart, accessed the enemy's location through his hacking skills. Their knowledge of Yn's whereabouts propelled them forward, fueling their desire to bring her home.

Upon arrival, they reviewed their plan one final time. With precision and certainty, they began the assault, each member knowing their role.

Suga's voice rang out, conveying crucial information. "There are fifty men surrounding the building. Twenty on the first floor, and thirty on the second floor, where Junghyun and Yn are located."

Taehyung added his observation. "His security is lax, making it easier for us to infiltrate."

Jimin chimed in, displaying a keen insight. "He'll likely underestimate us, thinking we're just ordinary businessmen. That works in our favor."

Hoseok's eyes gleamed with determination as he outlined his plan. "I'll be positioned in the opposite building with the sniper team, ready to take out whoever is on the third floor."

With their strategies aligned, BTS stealthily made their way to the second floor, where Yn was being held captive. As they reached the door, Namjoon signaled Hoseok, prompting a hail of gunfire that erupted from the opposite building.

Meanwhile, the rest of BTS engaged in fierce combat with Junghyun's guards on the ground floor and first floor. Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, and Taehyung formed a formidable force, neutralizing the opposing forces on the second floor.

Amidst the chaos, Namjoon and Suga ventured inside, only to stumble upon a heart-wrenching sight. Yn, bearing the physical and emotional scars of her captivity, lay in a pitiful state. Her body, covered in bruises, cuts, and hickies, radiated a quiet despair.

Horror and anguish filled Yoongi's eyes as he rushed towards his sister, his tears mingling with whispered reassurances. "Yn. Look, it's your Meow Meow Oppa. We're here to take you away from here. I promise nothing will happen to you," he murmured as he tenderly cloaked her with his own clothes, desperate to shield her from further pain.

With Yn cradled protectively in Suga's arms, the rest of BTS converged upon their escape vehicle, their mission accomplished. The remaining remnants of Junghyun's gang had been vanquished, their leader left beaten and unconscious. With Namjoon's final command, the building erupted into flames, obliterating any trace of the nightmare they had just escaped.

The members of BTS, their emotions raw and their collective resolve unshaken, gathered around the van. Jin, ever the voice of reason, urged Yoongi to let go gently, reminding him that he could inadvertently hurt Yn unknowingly. Aware of the truth in Jin's words, Yoongi hesitated before reluctantly releasing his grip. Yn needed immediate medical attention.

Jungkook, now behind the wheel, accelerated with purpose, tears glistening in his eyes as he navigated through the streets. The van raced towards Kim Hospital, where they could finally provide Yn with the care she so desperately needed.

As they arrived, the sight of Yn's bruised and unconscious form tore at their hearts. Yoongi clung to her, his cries of anguish echoing through the corridors, while Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon fought to contain their own emotions, mindful of the support they needed to provide for each other in this trying time.

With Yn in the capable hands of the hospital staff, the members of BTS found solace in each other's presence. Though their hearts ached, they knew their journey to heal Yn's wounds, both physical and emotional, was only just beginning.

 Though their hearts ached, they knew their journey to heal Yn's wounds, both physical and emotional, was only just beginning

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