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As Blackpink arrived at the BTS mansion, Yoongi wasted no time sharing all the details about Y/N's kidnapping and current condition. Skipping over the revelation that they were part of a mafia, Yoongi's words left the Blackpink members shocked and enraged. Jennie's anger was particularly palpable, but Jisoo and Rose managed to calm her down.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling scream echoed from Y/N's room, jolting everyone into action. Brimming with concern, they rushed towards her, desperate to comfort and protect her.

The sight that greeted them shattered their hearts. Y/N was huddled in a dark corner of the room, sobbing and holding herself tightly. Jin instinctively tried to approach her, but her cries of fear made him pull back, devastated to see his once vibrant sister so broken.

Jisoo silently communicated with Jin, gesturing for them to stay back as she stepped forward. Gently, she spoke to Y/N, her voice filled with love and compassion.

"Yniee, shhh... it's your Jisoo unnie. I'm here," Jisoo whispered, reaching out to hold Y/N's hand.

Y/N's sobs subsided slightly, and she looked up at Jisoo through tear-filled eyes. Without hesitation, she clung to Jisoo, her face buried in her shoulder, crying silently.

"Unnie... unnie," Y/N choked out between sobs, her voice filled with pain.

Jisoo stroked Y/N's hair gently, providing a comforting presence. "Shhh, it's okay. Calm down, and unnie will listen to everything, okay?"

Y/N's sobs gradually subsided, and she nodded, still trembling with fear. She clung to Jisoo, pouring out her anguish.

"They hit me... They called me awful things... They said I'm a whore and deserve to be treated that way... But I'm not, unnie... I'm not..." Y/N's words came out between hiccups and sobs, baring her raw vulnerability.

Both BTS and Blackpink members seethed with rage and sorrow, their blood boiling at what Y/N had endured. Vengeance burned within them as they remembered the tormentor, now imprisoned and rotting away in their basement.

Jisoo held Y/N even tighter, her voice filled with determination and reassurance. "Shh, I know, my Yniee. You are the best girl, and they are in jail now. Don't worry. They won't hurt you anymore. And Yniee, don't you want to see your brothers?"

Y/N hesitated, fear and self-doubt tugging at her heart. "No... They'll hate me. I'm dirty..."

Her brothers felt their hearts break hearing Y/N's words, their eyes filled with sorrow. In that moment, Jennie, Lisa, and Rose exchanged sympathetic glances, understanding the depths of Y/N's pain.

Jisoo shook her head, dismissing Y/N's fears. "Who said that, huh? Yn, your brothers love you immensely. They would never hate you. They have been missing you, and they're devastated by what happened. Talk to them. They love you."

Y/N's teary gaze shifted towards her brothers, and her heart ached witnessing their pain. Determined to bridge the gap that had formed between them, she wiped away their tears and embraced them tightly.

Then, summoning the strength within her, Y/N turned to Yoongi, who had been avoiding her gaze and silently crying. She approached him, gently holding his hands.

"Oppa, what happened?" Y/N asked, her eyes filled with concern, as she took in Yoongi's tear-streaked face.

Yoongi's voice wavered with shame and regret. "I... I'm sorry, Bub."

With tender affection, Y/N wiped away Yoongi's tears with her hands. "Oppa, it wasn't your fault. Please don't cry," she pleaded, offering him comfort in her own time of need.

They held each other tightly, finding solace within their embrace. Yoongi gradually composed himself, his tears subsiding as he mustered the strength to be there for Y/N.

Amidst the emotional turmoil, Lisa lightened the atmosphere, reminding everyone that Y/N needed nourishment. Breaking the tension, she asked, "Okay, now that it's getting too emotional, Yn, don't you want to eat something?"

Y/N nodded with a small smile, comforted by the presence of her loved ones. Slowly but surely, she began her journey of healing, supported by her brothers and newfound sisters.

Together, they would rebuild the shattered pieces of her soul, nurturing her back to life and ensuring she never felt alone again. This was the beginning of their unwavering bond and the resilience that would guide them through the challenges that lay ahead.

 This was the beginning of their unwavering bond and the resilience that would guide them through the challenges that lay ahead

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My Missing Comrade- Yoongi ff Ft. BtsWhere stories live. Discover now