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A man with bright blond hair and a bright green suit stepped through the doors and walked up to the Handler's desk. "I don't have much time so let's make this fast," he declared taking off his hat with one hand.

"Very well, (Y/n) come on out," the woman gestured for the young teen to walk over and they did, moving and leaning on the table with a smirk playing on their lips. "Who's this?" The man said not letting a hint of emotion pass through his voice, They let the Handler answer choosing to check out their nails instead.

"This is (Y/n) Forger, the new transfer student at Eden Academy's 9th grade and a child genius," She introduced them with a slight flair. Twilight gave the teen a curious look, "a second child? This wasn't part of the plan," the Handler gave a closed eye smile. "No but this was an opportunity that we couldn't pass up, I wasn't lying when I said their a prodigy,"


"So Twilight, do I get a cool code name like Midday or Golden hour ooohhhh I know Dusk," The teen said walking ahead of him their hands behind their head. The man jumped a little and looked at the teen like they were crazy "Shhhhhhhhh, you can't go saying that sort of thing out in public, people will get suspicious and turn us in," he jogged over to them as he spoke.

"Take it easy pops, no one's thinking as hard as you are, watch," before the man could grab the teen they strolled over to a young couple on a bench and leaned down. "Hi, I'm a child prodigy, and this man here, ya he's one of the world's greatest spy's. Sick I know right and even better I'm helping him on some world saving mission," all the while they smiled at the couple.

The man blinked at his date and started to awkwardly chuckle "umm, funny joke?" the woman by his side seemed unsure if she should also laugh as Twilight stormed over. "I'm so sorry, my son-"
"Child! Loves playing games like this, kids am I right?" Twilight struggled to smooth the situation assuring the two that he was in fact (Y/n)'s father and that he was lacking control of his teen.

As (Y/n) suspected the couple only laughed and nodded like all this was normal and went on with their day. "Go back to the Handler, you are to much of a lability," Twilight said looking down that the teen with little to no emotion.

"Okay I admit I went a little too far there but you need me, from what I've heard that kid of yours has no chances of passing this test let alone becoming an imperial student-"
"Same difference, the point is you need me," Twilight sagged as he sighed "I wish you were wrong," (Y/n) smiled, "a lot of people do, but I never am," and so they continue the walk to the house that would now be home for the teen.

Once at the door of the apartment complex Twilight stopped and looked at (Y/n) blocking the door so they couldn't walk in "some ground rules for both our protection and story, I am Loid forger a psychiatrist at Berlint general hospital, your mother died a tragic death about four years ago and we are looking for a new start for Anya, you will refer to me as father and Anya as your young sister, alright?" The teen shifter their weight to one foot as they nodded "sure thing pops, we're just your normal everyday family," they stifled a snort at the remark.

With a sigh the spy opened the door and entered the Apartments were a crowd of neighborhood women were gathering their mail. One that was round and had large glasses looked at the father and child and gave a gasp "I didn't know you had another child, where have they been all this time Mr.Forger?" Seeming caught off guard Twilight froze and turned to the woman about to give a reply when the teen stepped forward with a wide smile.

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