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Luckily that nigh Yor did open the door but what waited for us inside was a Yor special, needless to say I may have killed a plant with what sort of poison Yor tried to feed me.

Other then the food the night was peaceful and calm, filled with the way to violent cartoon and the sounds of flipping pages before eight hit and Anya was rushed to bed. As Loid closed the door after saying our last goodnights to the youngest he placed a hand on my head and ruffled my hair "I think you should head to bed as well, with how hard it is to wake you up in the morning it's best we change those bedtime habits now rather then later," Not wanting to argue after we had finally gotten on the same page I shrugged and went to open my door.

Yor smiled down at me "sleep well (Y/n) we'll see you in the morning," I gave her a half smile and nodded "night," and closed the door to my dark room. Compared to the rest of the house, my room felt lifeless and empty even after Loid bought me furniture and nicknacks it lacked the warmth everything else did.

I sighed, this is nothing new so why complain about it. I throw myself onto the bed and waited for sleep to claim me.


"You can't be serious, (Y/n), you went to bed early last night how are you still not up? It's almost moon," Loid called from the other side of my door as I ground. "That's still to early, wake me up when it's four," the sound of Loid leaning his head on the door could be heard as he sighed "that's not an option (Y/n), we have things to do today," knowing he wasn't going to leave me alone I rolled out of the bed dragging the blankets with me as I hit the floor, the sound of witch had became telling enough for Loid to understand I was getting up "good, I have coffee siting on the coffee table as well as a bagel," then he left.

Whining the whole way I dragged my feet as I opened the door letting light spill into my room and burn my eyes. Gagging I moved farther into the living room only to see Anya had already positioned herself in front of the tv, her toys scattered around. Yor was sat on the couch only half paying attention to Anya's show, she was a braver soul then me. While Loid was in the kitchen. I made my way to the couch taking the spot next to Yor and leaning on her slightly sipping the still warm coffee that was left for me.

Yor smiled down at me "morning (Y/n) or should I say afternoon," she chuckled to her self as she moved her arms so I could be more comfortable laying on her. To groggy to register her diss I nodded "afternoon," she chuckled but returned to watching the tv. Loid then stepped in and placed a bagel on the coffee table "you should eat this seen as you missed breakfast," i shrugged and picked up the bagel taking a bite out of it as Loid sat down in the arm chair.

It was nice and warm and inviting so much so that I could have fallen right back to sleep leaning on Yor but the sound of the phone ringing caught us all off guard as Loid made an inhuman dash to pick it up. "Forger resistance," Yor stood up and Anya followed making me fall onto the cushioned couch, I groaned in discomfort and sat up moving over to where all three of them were standing.

The other end of the phone said some words and Loid nodded before he hung up the phone with a click. He's expression blank as his hand moved to his pocket and slowly moved out to reveal a party popper, a small expression rang out as confetti sprinkled around "Anya got in," the cheering was loud and enthusiastic though seen as I just woke up I was I bit bland.

That's not to say I'm not proud of Anya, she did a great job and deserved the praise for everything she had accomplished on her own. The growth she made was fantastic seen as only weeks ago she was some orphan with little real education as fare as we are aware. Loid scooped her up as she cheered and shot me a sweet smile.

"Great job Anya," Loid spun her around then held her close to his chest. "This so such wonderful news," Yor seemed just as pumped as Anya as she herself cheered. "We couldn't have done it without you Yor," Yor smiled and nodded along pleased with the outcome of everyone's hard work. I couldn't help but smile as well, their happiness contagious.

Sudden the door was kicked open as Franky stepped through holding up bottles with an expression of excitement on his face as well "woo-hoo, I heard Anya got in," he stepped in and closed the door "we gotta celebrate," Loid moved to the door leaning close to Franky "word sure dose travel fast," the informant only smirked "I know everything," I rolled my eyes and yawned catching his attention.

He gave me a side glare and looked me up and down "heard you passed to, you dumpster rat," I shrugged and smiled at him "it was no problem for me, seen as I have more talents then just gathering information fuzz ball," he grit his teeth and looked back at Loid and pointed at me "they get worse every time I see them Loid, their not worth it, I don't care if they are a genus send them back to the dumpster fire you found them in," Loid sighed and rubbed his head. "That's not how that works Franky," the man then scoffed and looked away.

His eyes then landed on a confused Yor smiling absentminded at the stranger in her home "oh you must be mrs Forger, I'm Loid's friend, Franky," Fuzzball got all flustered and bashful around Yor as he rubbed the back of his neck. Anya who stood next to Yor simply pointed at him and called out "scruffy," this made Yor laugh. "You seem to know the kids well to it's quite funny your dynamic with them," Franky groaned and looked over his shoulder at me as I waved "I don't like your menace over there," he then leaned down and face Anya with a smile "but Anya and I are pals," the girl smiled up at him and he then stood once more.

"Now let's party I brought booze and dinner is being delivered," And the night commenced.

(AN: Hi guys, I'm going to be completely honest and say that I did intend this chapter to get through the castle arc(?) but I got supper sick and couldn't bring myself to get through it all. Hope this satisfies you for a bit, again I'm sorry and I'll see you on the rerun ^^)

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