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Loid opened the door to our apartment with one hand, the other was tightly wrapped about Anya's sleeping body, her head resting on his chest. He moved and leaned up on the door marking room for me "you got them?" I let out a grunt as I moved through the door.

Both Fuzzball and Yor were over my shoulders neither really conscious enough to stand on their own. "The creep owes me for this one, make sure to give him my tab," I grumbled as I flopped Franky violently onto the couch. He groaned and flinched in his sleep but otherwise made no movements.

Slowly I moved to Yor's room opening the door and unlike Franky gently laid her down on the bed. She stared only slightly curling in on herself and getting comfortable. I sighed and cracked my neck before moving back into the hall, Loid was also leaving Anya's room at that moment. I leaned up on the closed door behind me and lifted a brow smirking "I can see your picking favorites 'father' I should have known it would be the youngest, it always is," Loid rolled his eyes.

"She just a child that caught up in something bigger then she can even imagine, while I'm her father, I plan on being the best one I can be, for both of you," his sincere comment was hard to make fun of. I couldn't tell if he was being unreasonable cruel or awe inspiringly kind, on one hand he was giving a girl a life she would have never had back in the orphanage she was from but on the other he was giving her hope for a better life before ripping it away like it was nothing.

I grounded and moved over to my door placing a hand on my doorknob "I hope your aware of what you might be doing to that girl Twilight, kids get attached quickly," I could feel him burning holes into the back of my head but I left before he had a chance to speak.


"Ninety nine and a half," the older woman said reading the Anya's new hight out loud. Anya smiled up as if the slight growth was an achievement "I grew two millimeters bigger, soon I'll be as tall as Sib," she cheered looking over at me. My measurements hadn't changed so I chose to wait by the wall, though seen as I was the odd one out in a family of morning birds, I had been pushed out of the house without my necessary coffee intake, or in other words, I was dying.

At Anya's comment the woman looked over at me and her face grew concerned as she looked back at Loid and Yor. Yor gave an awkward smile and shrugged while Loid chuckled uncontrollably "probably just a rounding error," he averted the subject of my existence and the woman refocused on Anya "don't be to sure kids grow fast at this age," she smiled "that's true," Yor chimed in also smiling. "In that case let's give that uniform some extra room," the woman nodded.

Silence didn't stretch for long before she picking up the conversation though "I still can't believe your married now Yor, why didn't you tell me the last time you were in here," she didn't give Yor time to respond "and to think you children are attending the prestigious Eden academy, your husband must be an alumni," Loid seemed caught off guard having the attention back on him "me? No I went to a third rate rural school," I looked away spacing off a bit at that point.

Eden academy, a school poised on making the worlds next best leaders. When I had first been approached with the idea of attending I had pretended that I didn't know the establishment but that was a lie. I'm from Ostania, it's hard not to know the top school in the country you live in, specially when your father did go that. What a funny concept it all was. My thought were broken when I heard Anya crying "I don't want to go to Eden anymore," she looked up at Loid with pure terror sending panic through him.

The seamstress took Anya's hands and smiled "oh sorry dear I didn't mean to scare you, there are also many wonderful things about Eden as well," with that she patted Anya's cheep softly and moved over to the register followed by the rest of us, me still slinking across the wall. She then started to list off the items me and Anya would need for our average school life. She then pointed out a store for school supplies though I could see the building frustration on Loid's face.

Once outside Anya hid behind Loid's legs looking around like danger was everywhere. "What's the matter," Loid looked down at Anya clearly confused by her erratic behavior she looked up at him determined "I don't wanna be kidnapped," Loid sighed and smiled a bit "I think that's a bit premature," though Anya didn't seem to let up making it hard for Loid to walk. I blinked at her slowly before holding out my hand "here, now if anyone goes after you they'll have to deal with me," a general modified superhuman that looks like a harmless child, nothing out of the ordinary.

Anya seemed to falter for a moment but quickly grabbed my hand and kept it in a death grip close to her chest. I smirked and held tight. Loid shook his head at her antics before turning to Yor "mind if we eat out tonight?" Yor who had been spacing off turned to Loid and smiled "of course not," this prompted Anya to tug on my hand "do kids get talent from restaurants?" Taking this as my chance I friend down at her "only when they don't finish their vegetables and forget their manners," Anya turned pale as we walked the rest of the way to the restraint not saying a word.

(AN: I am so sorry about last week, it hit me hard and I lost all motivation, I know this guy was short to but I'm trying to stay with it because I do love these characters and the dynamic so please stick with me on this, tell next time)

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