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The transfer exam room for 10th graders was for the most part empty with rows upon rows of wooden desks, the room was silent other then the repetitive scratching of pencils on paper. And there I was, feet propped on the table balancing a pencil on my upper lip.

I could tell the staff was watching me and grading me on every move I made, but there was no point in acting prim and proper not when I had been sitting here for over an hour with my finished test laying on my desk. If no one was going to entertain me, I would entertain myself even if that meant mindlessly balancing pencils like mustaches.

Once the test was over, everyone was dismissed while papers were collected. The kids in front of me seemed drained and most looked defeated while I on the other hand strolled out of the room with my hands behind my head and a smug smirk on my face. Twilight was crouched over on a bench looking almost as bad as the kids leaving my test room.

"Loosen up would you? It's not like your the one getting tested," I said half falling onto the bench next to him. Ignoring my comment, Twilight turned to me with wide eyes "how did it go? Do you think you passed?" His voice not doing him any good in hiding the panic he clearly felt "of course I passed, are you sure this is the right snobby school? Because that test was one of the easiest things I've done in years," I may have been slightly over exaggerating but it was true as well, non of the questions were as challenging as Twilight made it out to be and definitely not as hard as some of the stuff my parents had me do.

He seemed to calm done a bit at hearing this but still seemed panicked "I just hope Anya will have the same experience," he mumbled mostly to himself. This made me scoff "highly unlikely, she's not the sharpest crayons in the box that's for sure," Twilight seemed to slump even lower,  I continued "that said, it'll be fine, She did memorize all those answers," I stared at the wall opposite me, even though I could feel Twilight's eyes burning holes into the side of my head. If she were to fail would that be the end to this? Just like that and it's over? How boring.


Anya finished a few minutes later and we walked outside to the results board standing in the courtyard. It didn't take long for me to find my code A2-17 under the slim transfer list, Anya's was another story as all three of us scoured the board looking for it.

"It looks like she failed, I guess-" I stared to say when Twilight pointed to a spot near the bottom of the eighth row "K2-12! There it is," he turned to Anya and smiled "you did it, you past," she smiled up at him "I did good?" She asked happy that he was happy. I stood to the side just watching the interaction as Twilight swung Anya in the air and celebrated before doing something I wasn't expecting.

He pulled me into the hug as well wrapping his right arm around me while still holding Anya with his left and pulled us together. It was an unexpected impact that somehow filled me with panic and comfort but the panic won as Twilight them toppled me over along with him. He laid there exhausted, Anya panicked as I tried to escape from under his massive adult body.

It took longer then I would like to admit but I was able to escape from under Twilight and help him to his feet. We walked home all together, most of Twilight's weight was placed on my shoulders, Anya moved slowly down the sidewalk next to me. I had expected Anya to be more energetic and a handful due to what I had seen in the less then a day I had been livening with them, she was loud and naïve though I assume that's how most kids her age are. I moved my hand to pat her head, there was no reason behind the gesture but the girl moved into it stepping closer to me "Are we almost home? I'm sleepy," she asked rubbing at her eyes.

I looked forward blinking slightly "at this pace we'll be home in 5 minutes," the girl yawned looking up at me "that sounds like a lot of minutes away," I shrugged, "could be longer," she nodded and we continued walking but she started to lag behind.
I stopped abruptly and leaned the half awake Twilight against a street lamp and knelt down "come on, at this rate it'll be 7 minutes," I stated waiting for the girl to climb onto my back. She seemed hesitant at first but gave into her drowsiness and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I placed an arm under her for some sort of support then pulled Twilight along with my other arm.


Once I made it back to the house we all changed. I had grabbed a random book off the shelves and claimed a seat in the living room while Twilight crashed on the couch.

Anya had regained her energy after a Power Nap and was now watching a spy cartoon when there was a knock on the door. I stood to answer it as Anya rocketed over to the door and opened it.

"Hi is this the Forger residence?" The mail man asked looking down at Anaya as she poked her head out the door "this is Anya's house!" She called back smiling. I grabbed the edge of the door and pulled it open more to look at the mail man with a smile. "Yes sir. This is the Forger home, how may I help you?" A sickly sweet smile spread across my face as it often does.

It made people nervous, and nervous people make mistakes. The man avoided eye contact and rubbed the back of his neck "right can you give this to your mother or father?" He said choosing to hand the envelope to Anya. She looked up at the man "there is no mama," he immediately looked guilty and stepped back "I'm sorry to hear that," he honesty seemed to feel bad about the comment as he stepped back grabbing the brim of his hat and muttering a goodbye.

Anya ran off into the house calling for Twilight as I closed the door. Once I got to the living room Anya had nestled herself into Twilight's sleeping arms and was cuddled up to him. It was almost sweet if you didn't see how he knocked her off the couch, he shot up as if he was under attack.

"Are your trying to give me a heartache!?" He called out as Anya picked up the envelope off the coffee table and handed it to him "you got a letter," I moved back to the chair I was siting in before placing the book I was reading on the table before leaning forward to look at Twilight. "Get a death threat or something?" Sarcasm was lasted in my voice but Anaya still looked around suspicious like she was waiting for an attacker.

Twilight rolled his eyes "this must be from Eden Academy," Anya hopped up on the couch as he stared to read out loud "the second phase of the admissions process...A mandatory Family interview...both parents must attend with the applicant absolutely no explanations," he looked defeated as he hung his head low. Anya looked from me to Twilight "but there is no mama," to this Twilight grounded "I would have rather the death threat,"

(AN:) Yes not only is (Y/n) a super genius but they are also super strong. And this is definitely not because of genetic modifications at all.

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