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I took a sip from my coffee as I looked at Loid over it, not breaking eye contact as I did. Once again he had pulled me out of bed at the crack of dawn against my will "so let me get this straight, you pretended to be an SSS dog and scared the shit out of Yor, only to find out I was right?" Loid rolled up the news paper he had been reading and hit me on the bed with it as he gave me a pointed glare.

"First of all, watch your mouth, and secondly I needed to see it for myself to be clear that there was no way she was a danger to the mission, I had no other option," I rolled my eyes as I rubbed the top of my head. It didn't hurt at all, but it felt like the correct response.

Loid looked me over and shook his head as if my presence was aggravating before looking at the clock "Anya and Yor should be up soon, you should freshen up so all three of you aren't crowding the mirror," as he spoke be unrolled the news paper and went back to reading. I sighed and picked up my mug and started heading to the bathroom before he stopped me "leave the coffee, it's not like it's going to grow legs and wonder off," I didn't bat an eye as I ignored his more fatherly comment and entered the bathroom mug in hand.


If Eden had taught me anything it was that looks seemed to matter, I had never taken much of an interest in my appearance rather going with what felt natural at any given time so now being judged on how I presented myself had been more of a struggle then any test they had given me.

Other than the numerous complaints about me sleeping in class and questions about my uniform and gendered clothes, I had reserved a few arguments about how I styled my hair and where my hat was more nagging then anything. So I'm the mornings to bring down the number of days a teacher would stop me in the halls I have chosen to take better care. Actually brushing my hair, keeping mint candies on my person to keep my breath nice and sweet, and of course stealing Yor's cherry blossom lotion from time to time.

All of this to say, my normal 5 minutes to get ready had extended to over 20. What had Eden done to me and how could I undo it?

When I exited the bathroom, a groggy Yor and a sleepy Anya had entered the living room and had taken seats at the table. I moved to the kitchen and poured another cup of coffee before taking my seat at the table. When Yor saw me she smiled "good morning (Y/n), it's good to see you up so early," I looked over my cup at her before setting it down "Only because Loid likes to make me suffer," she chuckled as Loid glared at me.

I snickered and looked over at Anya as she scarfed down her breakfast "Anya, your dodgeball game is today right?" She looked up at me and smiled nodding her head vigorously. I took another sip of coffee "well good luck, I'll try to come watch but I can't promise anything," Yor looked at me and smirked "you should bring Darius with you," I looked at Yor for a second trying to figure out who Darius was when horror lit up my face.

"You mean Demetrius," Loid said before I could voice it, Yor smiled "oh right that was his name, sorry," Loid smiled at her and I could hear the gears turning as he started to think up a plan, one that would be over complicated and in the end fall threw "I think that's a great idea Yor, your such a reserved child (Y/n), this would be a great opportunity to reach out and make friends," I glared at Loid flabbergasted as my eyes narrowed "oh but father I thought we agreed we would leave this to me," by this I meant anything to do with Demetrius.

Loid nodded "we did, all we're saying is that this is a great opportunity, isn't his little brother in Anya's class, I bet he'd want to see him play as well," I stared into my cup. If Demetrius was any other person in Eden I would have agreed with Loid, I would have invited them days before but Demetrius was different. He didn't seem to care much for his brother at all and cared even less about anything I had to say or do, as it stood he seemed to pay me more mind when I ignored him rather then if I interacted.

I looked at Loid and Yor and sighed "I'll think about it," and with that Breakfast ended.


As if to prove my point, during our morning classes Demetrius wouldn't stop looking back at me as if at any moment I was going to say something to him ore attack him. Even into lunch he followed me all the way up to the point where the imperial scholars had lunch. It as if he had gone from an angry crude jerk to a stalker and I couldn't figure out what his sudden interest was.

The class period of Anya's game was during my science class witch I had asked my teacher if I could do a privet study and submit a paper on plate tectonics within a few days, he seemed more then happy to give me the go ahead though deep down I believe he just wanted me out of his classroom after weeks of trying to stump me with random questions such as body system names and water cycle definitions. He had been one of the more frustrated of the teachers I had come across and I could understand why, if I was my student I would be as well.

So without even entering the class I walked to the east wing gym hearing a second pair of foot steps behind me as I walked.

I didn't go into the gym but instead peered through the windows as the students faced each other off and Mr. Elegant stood watch. The first graders walked to their sides and the game began, mostly being dominated by a strangely tall and buff first year. "You know if your going to stalk me for your little master you should be more careful, I could hear your loud foot falls a mile away," Samuel stepped forward and stood next to me his face dull.

"How did you know it was me and not him?" He didn't look at me as he spoke, his eyes on the ball as it struck with pin point accuracy, "it's just like him to make you do his dirty work, though I would have never guessed you would skip a class for your him," Sam chuckled a bit and shook his head "I didn't, I chose to test out of our science class, their trying to choose where to put me at the moment so I have no class," I gave him a side ways look.

"I should have guessed a Klemons like yourself would be such a good scientist, it seems to run in your blood," he didn't so much as flinch at the information that I shouldn't have known, "it's funny, you underestimate me yet I over estimate you, I mean as a (L/n) I would have guessed you would be an imperial scholar by now, what has it been a month maybe two?" I smirked as I watched a small version of Demetrius stop the ball from hitting Anya.

I fully faced Sam, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid your mistaken, my last name is Forger not (L/n), I hope you find the person your looking for," and I walked away.

(AN: I feel as though I haven't articulated this as well as I could have, but a little quirk about (Y/n) is that they can read people well so what they seem may be way more extreme then what others do, so Demetrius is way more aloof then how (Y/n) sees him as because they can read the tiny things most people miss. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I'll see you soon ^^)

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