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His hair was combed back and his suit was prim and proper, a gray color compared to the green he usually wears. His face was stern and in control as he fixed his blazer " the decisive battle is upon us," Loid then turned to face us looking at Yor with determination. "Personal Effects?" Yor searched her bag then saluted Loid "personal appearance?" Once again Yor smoothed out her dress and looked for any spots, "check!" He nodded to Yor and shifted his gaze to me and Anya.

His eyes narrowed at me as if I was plotting something but I ignored it "Polite manner of speech?" Anya stiffened and answered first "I am speaking like a proper lady, mister sir," I snorted at her reply but Loid trapped me with a look. "For today, I'm a polite and honorable person and tend to dazzle the staff away with charm and elegance," it sounds weird coming from me but honestly my acting wasn't half bad as a charming smile played on my face. Loid seemed to call it good enough as a look of worry passed his face as he moved to the door "than onward, to the Eden Academy admissions interview," he called and we all walked out the door.

We walked through the gates along with maybe hundreds of other people Yor froze as she looked at the grand building "it's huge," I nodded looking at the architecture "it is the top school in the nation after all," I scanned the people and let out a small chuckle "and the snobbiest, look at all these sticks in the mud," Loid lightly hit me on the head with the side of his hand murmuring 'manners' Yor gave a smile and a sweet chuckle at my antics but soon looked around again "in a way (Y/n) is right though, I never imagined there'd be so many applicants," I nodded.

Loid looked forward as if he was ready to attack the sea of first graders "each of them is fighting for Anya's slot," I scanned the crowd looking for any transfers that where supposed to be my compilation but saw non with all the kids around. "There's not a lot of transfers so who knows maybe this will be a piece of cake," but Loid sighed and shook his head "it's not so simple, the reason there's hardly any transfers is because they only accept the best of the best, my guess is only a handful of the ones in your test were chosen then they'll weed out the rest," I sighed, that was an option I was considering but I had hoped to be wrong, still I flashed Loid a cocky smile "good thing I am the best of the best," Loid rolled his eyes and refocused them on Anya.

She stood next to me holding my hand weakly "How are you, Anya? Is the crowed affecting you?" He asked and she stiffened again "I'm okay, mister sir," I chuckled at the over formality, this was something I would use to haunt her once she grows up some more. I froze, huh I guess it that wasn't going to happen, I wouldn't see her grow up if we finish this mission as soon as I had planned. I shook my head that's not the point "then let's join them," Loid called and we walked forward.

I peered up at the windows and walls around us as it cocooned around us, the windows where darkened with figures. I see, their already testing us seeing if we slip up even before we get into the interviews. I looked up at Loid to tell him my assumption but he seemed to have already caught on to the people watching us. "All of you stay on your toes, the interviewers are watching us, do as we practice," we nodded and started walking calmly and poised.

We stopped at a statue of a copper man, he was bold and had a beard, he was dressed in robes and a book as he lifted his right hand to the sky. Benedict Iven goodfellow or at least that's what the plaque at the foot of the statue read, Loid took of his had and placed his hand over his heart, we followed. I get why where doing this but still theirs no why someone is paying this close attention to us out of what 168 other applicants and their families, we would need to be some sort of protagonists to get that sort of attention, or maybe the fact my test scores were so high and Anya's must have been low, the contrast must be confusing considering we're supposed to be siblings.

We made it to the front where a man with a sheet of paper called out our numbers "A2-17 and K2-12 right? Please proceed this way to assembly hall A," Loid put his hat back on and we continued walking down the way the man had told us. My back hurt from standing so straight for so long and my hands where itching to go into my pockets, I started to slump seen as we had made it pretty far but Loid noticed and I got another chop to the back of my head "we'er still being watched, stay focused," I sighed and straightened my posture.

"Being observed like this is so stressful," Yor voiced I nodded "it's like being under a microscope," Anya let out a slight wine "I got a booger I have to pick!" Loid looked down at her "absolutely not," I snickered "I say let her, if it tickles than let the boogie free," and once again Loid smaked my head "stop encouraging bad behaviors," I chuckled rubbing the back of my head.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh nooooo! I've fallen into the gutter and I can't get out," a trap it was so clearly a trap "what am I going to?! I'm in trouble now," but still Loid nudged Anya who jumped into the role "Papa, Mama, Sib that boy is in trouble let's save him," I let Anya drag me over to the gutter with Loid and Yor behind. Loid knelt down "are you okay lad?" The boy yelled back a clear 'help me' as another  family came over "can we be of any assistance?" Loid accepted as the boy flailed around. The family panicked and stepped back.

Loid nodded to me and I moved to the other side of the grate and grabbed on to the boy's arm, Loid did the same and we looked at each other and nodded pulling the boy out with all our strength. He came flying out spreading the muck everywhere and leaving him almost spotless, Loid sat him down "are you okay?" The kid was speechless as Anya gave him a handkerchief and Loid advised him to seek out the nurse. I wiped at the scum water from my cheek Yor scampered over to me and wiped the rest off with her own handkerchief "you did great (Y/n)," I gave her an awkward smile "uh thank you?" It looked like Yor was going to say more but the boy gathered our attention.

"Um I'm really sorry sir.." but we had already changed our clothes "oh we thought something like this might happen. It's a good thing we brought an extra charge of clothes," we were now dressed in a little gray colored. "In fact, I think the gray suit is a better fit for the school," Loid smiled down at the boy "indeed I'd have felt like some sort of peasant interviewing in the other one, thank you for giving me a reason to change, young man," shocked the boy stuttered as he ran off into the school building.

A call that echoed through the school yard caught our attention as we turned. "Watch out the animals are loose from the school farm!!!"

(AN: I'm so sorry this one is so late I was doing some big editing and totally lost track of time, anyways hope you enjoy and thank you for the support ^^)

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