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The room was silent as I skimmed over a page in my book for the fifth time unwilling to be the one to start talking. It had been like this sense we arrived back home, stiff and awkward non of us had even changed still in our fancy clothes as if we had somewhere to be.

I had frozen and I hated that, I hated that I let that man into my head so easily. I decided right there in that room facing him off that I wouldn't let it happen again, he wouldn't creep under my skin and hit any nerves. And I knew me and him would be face to face again, there was no doubt of that in my mind. Eden would accept me no matter what, with my test scores being what they had to be they would over look anything, Anya was the one I was worried about.

She sat on the couch her head low "Papa, I'm sorry," her voice quivered "I did bad at the interview, I'm really sorry," Loid who had been in a pit of his own depression looked up at her. "You don't need to apologize to me Anya, I'm sure you didn't want to go to that school anyways," I looked over my book at him as Anya hopped off the couch and grabbed at his pants leg and pushed her face into it. "But I do, I want to go to school," Loid looked at me with a questioning look and was met with my own understanding one as a soft smile fell on my face that hid the dread.

She was afraid that if she didn't get in then Loid would send her back, as if she knows her only purpose was to get into this school in the first place "I have to, I have to go there," her little hands clutching tighter to Loid as she started to cry softly. Yep was in the kitchen making our drinks and moved into the living room with a tray. "Don't worry so much short stack," I looked back down at my book and finally turned the page "if it doesn't turn out then we'll make it work, just hang in there," Yor placed down the tray.

"I have to be honest with you, it's not looking good," Loid said leading to Yor standing up pumped and looking at him determined "I-I think it'll turn out okay, we've still got a chance, I mean (Y/n)'s interview went well and I bet they did well on the test to," I shrugged knowing perfectly well that the only questions I got wrong were intentional. Anya stepped away from Loid's leg and turned to Yor having a total mood flip "yeah, glasses man and half-glasses man liked us," I chuckled at her decision and shook my head "the half glasses are called monocles," Yor beamed at Anya.

"That's right they'll put in a good word for us, we have to believe that," I could see the mental turmoil in Loid as he looked down at his hands and tensed up before looking at the ladies "perhaps, it's out of our hands now, all we can do is celebrate our hard work," as he said this all four of us grabbed our cups, mine with coffee same as Loid's, Yor's with tea and, Anya's with hot chocolate. They clanked together "to our families bright futures," then something fell. Making all of us flinch "what the-" Yor seemed ready to attack as Loid looked behind her "something just fell," it was our family portrait lying face down on the floor.

We need better hooks on the back of this frame.


A bright sunny morning spent staining at a board for a simple code we're wasted at K-212 was no where to be seen. My listing was easy enough to find as A2-17 was near the top and in the transfer section but when hunting down Anaya's we spent a solid hour looking scanning and rescanning to no avail.

Compared to me my 'family' looked like that had just walked out of a murder scene, doom written on their faces as they stumbled around the campus even Anya seemed to be feeling the weight of rejection. I on the other hand knew there was no way Anya would be 100% rejected seen as I was accepted it would be cruel to have her shoved to the burner though Eden didn't seem to care to much about that. Yor offered to make some tea as we walked to the gates of the school but we were stopped by the one and only Monical man "a moment Forgers," we all moved to the sides of the Eden building as he passed us a paper.

I looked over Loid's shoulder which wasn't hard as I was close to his hight and read a list of names, clearly a waiting list but Loid still asked "what is this?" Master Hendersome as I had just learned his name pointed out Anya's name scrolled across the first line as Loid listened "that is the waiting list," Loid pondered a hopeful look in his eye as he looked up at the taller man "the waiting list for-" Henderson nodded "yes, once all the scores were tallied (Y/n) Forger passed while Anya Forger leaned in the top spot on the waiting list, if any of the students that were accepted today were to refuse the spot will be hers," Loid looked shocked as I shrugged.

I assumed she would end up on the waiting list but I did have to admit being the top spot wasn't something I was prepared to hear. Loid then became awkward "but after what happened at the interview-" he was referring to when he lashed out and broke a table. Henderson just looked down "do you know what creature kills more humans than any other on earth?" He asked, the real answer was humans but I shifted my weight and looked "the mosquito," Henderson looked at me and nodded "yes (Y/n) is right, the mosquito, you saved Master Swan from a truly dangerous beast, I scored you highly for that," I wanted to laugh at how he reworded Loid's short temper but instead bit my tongue.

Loid seemed to find it not as funny but just as strange as he gave Henderson a weird look "that's completely absurd," but Henderson ignored him and spoke loud and proud "stand tall Forgets, you are Eden Academy material," Yor who had been standing off to the side the whole time piped up and looked at Henderson "so we just need one opening for Anya to be admired," Henderson nodded "correct," a sort of trance was placed over Yor as she started to space off, Anya looked up at her as she did so, growing terror growing on her face as she did so. Quickly she started to shake her head as to get rid of the though.

Getting back on topic Henderson started to speak once more "where was I? Ah yes, several accepted students withdrew every year, prepare yourselves accordingly," smiling at the man Loid thanked him as he then continued "be aware that I may no longer be a master of anything when you arrive?" Loid turned to him "what?" Henderson continued "I did clean that Swans clock after all, I defended Eden's honor, but who knows how his Daddy might retaliate," I tied not to laugh when he said daddy, I am a 15 year old after all, deep down I still have the humor of one. Loid stepped in calm and collected his voice even "let me know it there's anything I can do to help," Henderson looked away once more "I appreciate your elegant offer even if it's an empty one, go home and wait for the call my boy," and so we left, leaving Eden in the dust as we walked home.

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