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The entire bus ride was Anya bouncing in her seat pointing out the window describing what we passed along the way. Every five seconds it was "Sib look look, there's a doggy," or "Sib Sib, look it's a tree, it's a pretty tree," over and over again. It was annoying to no end, but it wasn't like I could yell at her or be angry about how Appsolultly ecstatic she was to be something as average as riding a bus. Every now and then I would even catch myself smiling at her.

Once the bus stopped I blocked Anya from trying to rush off knowing she would cause a pile up and might end up hurt, I then blocked the entire and let her go in front as she skipped off lost in her own little world. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I followed behind her my book bag slung over my shoulder. I looked down at Anya as she walked, her hands were clenched and her eyes looked determined, I couldn't help but snort out a laugh, we were going to school not war though with how bad her grades were it might as well been the same thing.

As we approached the school a black fancy looking are pulled up next to us making Anya stop followed by me as I was walking behind her, a butler went around and opened the back seat where a young girl around Anya's age came stepping out. She had dark brown hair pulled into pigtails and a beret in her hair to keep her bangs out of her face, it was shaped like a little cartoon bomb. All and all she looked like a stuck up brat "Have a nice day at school Milady," her butler waved her off before returning to the vehicle as it sped off.

I shrugged and went to start walking again, but Anya was staring at the girl with pure wonder "Milady," the girl turned to us as Anya repeated the word. Recognition flashed across the girls face as she approached us "oh Anya it's you, good morning," Anya still in amazement looked at the girl but the girls eyes moved up to me. Her cheeks flushed and her face got really red as her eyes practically shaped into hearts, my face morphed into confusion.

She grabbed Anya's arm and pulled her in to a huddle both the girls backs facing me as I watched, I tilted my head to get a better look at them so I could read their lips and faces, I didn't like being left in the dark. From what I could gather the conversation went a little something like this:

"Oh my gash Anya who is that cute guy with you?" Anya frowned at the girl "guy? Their not a guy, that's Sib," the girl frowned as she peaked back at me "is she a girl then? If so she's super handsome," Anya shook her head "no, their nether, Sib prefers not to go by any gender, they are just Sib," the girl frowned again "Sib? Is that their name?" The girl asked but Anya once again shook her head "No their (Y/n), Their my sibling so I call them Sib," The girl's eyes sparkled "I didn't know you had a sibling, you have to introduce me," Anya sighed with a look of discontent before she shook her head and smiled "anything for you Milady," that's when they both turned back to me. The girl acting coy while Anya seemed rather disinterested.

Anya stepped in between me and the girl and looked up to me before gesturing to the girl "Sib this is Becky, she's my friend, Becky this is Sib also known as (Y/n) their my sibling," I gave the girl a small salute "Nice to meet you firecracker," I paused as I walked over to Anya and ruffled her hat as she moved to hug my waist "thanks for being so sweet my short stack here, she can be quite the handful," her eyes widened as she seemed to space out her cheeks a dark pink "i-its no problem she's the one who stuck up for me, she's so refined and mature," I looks down at Anya. I wouldn't think anyone would describe Anya as mature but I stand corrected.

I playfully pushed Anya's head away "well ether way let's not be late to our first classes, I need to head to the high school buildings," I pointed at Anya as I started walking backwards towards the south entrance "don't get in any trouble and make sure you apologize to that pipsqueak," then I glanced over at Becky and gave a smile "hope to see you later firecracker," and with that I turned around and disappeared into the crowds.


As I was walking a head of Brown hair pulled my attention, a smirk spread across my face, I knew it. I chose the south entrance by no accident, it just so happened to be the closest to the dormitory entrance and not just any Dormitory but the 9th grade ones, and was the quickest route to our first class. I sped up and matched my pace with the boy not meeting his eyes as I stared forward. "I heard our younger siblings had a bit of a scuffle, let me be the first to apologize on my sister's behalf," out of the corner of my eye I could see him look over and scan me up and down before facing forward.

He didn't show any sort of emotion only slowly blinked "I have no clue what your talking of, it sounds like my brothers problem something that doesn't concern me," I raised an eyebrow "My sister punched your brother, pretty hard and clear in the face if I heard correctly," his lip twitched as his scowl grew "once more Forger, my brother's problems are not my problems as your sister's problems are not your problems so if you would, I believe our class shall be starting soon and I would rather be as far from you as possible at this moment," he started walking faster as he stepped into our classroom.

I stood in the door frame for a moment eyes pinned to Demetrius's back. The way he treated his brother left a bitter taste in my mouth, though I couldn't say anything while I was using me 'family' only as a means of entertainment, I was just as detached as he was in many ways.

I took the seat behind him and pulled out my book so it wasn't obvious that I was listening in on them but before I could something glinted onto my table catching my eye. I peered over my book and stared at it 'Have you apologized to him?' Loid. I stuck my thumb up, if he was able to send me messages like this then he must be able to see me, my assumption was confirmed as the glint disappeared and a new one appeared 'good, I'll leave you to it' I nodded as the new message disappeared as well.

Threw all of my morning classes the majority of them were the same, the teachers would ramble off our names then give us a short exam to see our individual aptitudes for each class then go on what felt like hour long lectures about said topic. Not even eavesdropping on Demetrius was any fun as him and his friend talked about was the class and asking for tips on the topic. That paired with my lack of sleeping in resulted in me falling asleep in every class and only waking up at the bell.

Then the lunch bell rang.

(AN: I'm so sorry this is late, it slipped my mind that yesterday was post day with finals and all, hope you enjoyed and yes I 100% support Mr. Swan slander keep it up ^^)

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