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"Everybody watch out, the animals have escaped from the school farm," my head swiveled to the sound of stampeding animals, you can't be serious? Loid's face became stressed as he swooped down and grabbed Anya in his arms "stay in formation D, no matter what, we need to handle these animals with grace," he called and started running with me and Yor hot on his trail.

Panic ensued as people ran screaming witch only served to further stress the animals, to the side to men where arguing and I child fell calling for his father as Loid passed Anya to me and lunged for the child in the nick of time as the raging cow behind them tore up the coattail of his blazer. After finding a calm place to set the child Loid did so and asked if he was okay, he cried a lot.

I felt Anya go limp in my arms as I stabilized her head so it wouldn't fall to the side Yor stood behind me "Loid Anya's getting sick again," I moved some of her pink hair out of her face and placed my hand on her forehead "No fever or anything she just seems a little dizzy," Loid looked over concerned "it must be her fear of crowds," his obsession didn't add up seen as we were in a crowed all day and she didn't act scared and now with the mayhem she's all tipsy, I shrugged off my own instincts to dig deeper and on the raging animals.

My brain was making calculations of how hard it would be to lead them back the way they came and some how trap them in the farm again when Yor leapt from next to me and hit every pressure point on the cow faster then it took me to proses what had happened. The cow fell over limp with a thud as Yor landed on the other side of them. Loid looked baffled while I marveled at her work, pinpoint accuracy, if it wasn't then the cow would still be up and about and she did it mid air.

She looked at us clearly flustered and started rambling on about yoga classes that was clearly a lie. More and more I start to uncover about Yor, the more there is only proving she isn't what she seems. Anya struggles in my arms so I placed her on her own feet and immediately she started walked to the cow laying on its side "Hey short stake, that guy might seem out of it for now but that's not safe," my call got Loid's attention as he turned to see what Anaya was doing "Stay away from that," he called out loudly.

Slowly Anya knelt down and placed her hand on the Cows snout patting it slightly, I froze as I watched her "Don't be scared, everything will be okay," and as of like clock work the cow slowly rose causing Loid to swiftly grab Anya and pull her away. The cow walked back towards the way they came. Anya's empathy was ether higher then I could have imagined or there was something going on that I hadn't figured out yet, I looked at her as she looked up at Loid smiling and swallowed the thought, it's not worth it at the moment.

A man came running out from the building behind us calling our family name as he did, out of breath he stopped in front of us "y-you saved us, thank you, for today, I admit you have bested me,"I blinked at the man for a moment. Did this guy seriously release those animals for an interview? A small smile played on my lips, if so I like this guy. He straightened himself and turned away from us "we'll be delaying the interviews until we're able to get the situation under control, go get yourselves cleaned up, then return to the assembly hall, you've shown yourselves worthy to contend for a place at this school." Loid looked at him as he clicked open his briefcase.

One quick change later we were changed into a new set of clothes, our last ones and my favorite "we thought this might happen, so we brought another change of clothes," the man looked at Loid like he was insane but seemed to find that good as he guided us to the assembly hall.


All four of us sat in chairs outside the interview room, Yor seemed spaced out while Loid looked stoic and unfazed even though his small tells of anxiety where showing, Anya just sat next to me watching Loid curiously. So all in all very boring. I leaned back in my chair and stared at the ceiling knowing that if I did anything out of like it could cost me and Anya the ticket in.

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