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Me and Loid walked out of the house and into the bustling streets, he was obviously a bit pissed at me as he didn't so much as look at me for the better half of the walk. When he finally did it was a half hearted glare "so how exactly did you learn how to communicate like that?" I slid a glance at him with a smirk playing on my lips. "How many times do people have to tell you Twilight? I'm a genius, if there's something I don't know I learn it fast, if there's something to analyze I do so with accuracy, really it's not rocket science," I could hear the way his teeth ground together at my response.

I dropped the cocky smirk "No offense but you didn't really hide your stuff to well, it was pretty easy sneaking into your room and piecing it together," this time his eye twitched "you enter my room? Even though I have made it clear that it's off limits," I shrugged at his response. "I thought you meant for Anya, I mean really Twilight when you have to kids that get different restrictions you need to make your rules more clear," I shook my head as I lectured him.

Once more his shoulders became tense and rigid before he dropped them with a sigh, there was no point trying to scold me for the invasion of privacy it wouldn't change a thing and that was starting to become painfully clear to him. This is the moment he took a sharp turn into an alleyway where a Photo Booth sat seemingly in place considering it's location.

Wordlessly Loid gestured for me to enter the booth before clambering in after me. He slipped in a coin and looked square into the camera before there was a low click and the booth started moving down. I looked around the booth as it moved studying the walls and trying to imagine the mechanics of it all. "Loid, seen as we're moving down dose that mean there's a big whole in the ground under that booth? And if they move it Ostonia would have detect acsess to headquarters?" He didn't respond but I could see the way his eyes quivered at my question.

The doors opened and he swiftly moved out and into the hall crowded with other spies going about their business. He charged on to the very end of the hall where a grand desk sat and the woman known as the Iron Lady sat in all her glory. "Good day or rather good evening agent Twilight," Twilight took off his hat and placed it to his chest as I stepped to the side of him and smiled at the Iron Lady. She gave me a similar smile "same to you (Y/n)," I nodded as Twilight started to speak.

"Ah my handler what's this about?" Her eyes seemed to harden as they refocused onto Twilight "before I get into that," she sucked in a breath and paused "what's with those expense reports you've been submitting? You rented a castle? And furniture from the royal palace? Do you think our operation budget is your personal allowance?" She scolded with fury dancing in her eyes, a hard set glare shooting ice at the man I stood next to.

I let out a stifled snort as I looked up at him smirking a bit seen as I knew exactly what those expenses were for. With a face exhibiting no emotion Twilight simply walking forward and handed over the receipts from the other days school shopping. "That reminds me -I have a few more for you. Private school Isn't cheap," she looked him square in the eye "that's your response? I'll be Generous and call that gutsy," and with that she took the receipts and placed them on her desk before standing.

Twilight stepped back in place with me "all of these expenditures are essential to the mission," I rolled my eyes, i have to admit the castle was fun and Anya had a great time being saved and all but I wouldn't have called it essential. She would have been happy with a pillow fort and a new stuffed animal and even that was going a bit to far. The Iron Lady shook her head "fine whatever, moving on," she moved overt to a mission board and looked at both me and Twilight.

"I'm here to prep you for phase two of operation strix. Though I doubt you need it since you, Twilight have always been thorough," Twilight seemed nervous being put on the spot "I have been off my game lately so please continue," she nodded and looked back to the board with both of us leaning in. "Phase two is a social gathering, before we get down to brass tacks, let's review how things work at Eden," I let out a sigh internally as I started to space off.

It there was one thing I hated it was long winded speeches about concepts I already understood and though I had only heard of Eden as of a few weeks ago the school and what part I was meant to play had been drilled into my head more times then I could count even with scientific notation.

It always boiled down to be a good student, get the stupid metal stars and become this stuck up imperial scholar to get into some prissy school event so 'Loid' could get all up and close to the target. This was no change.

The Iron Lady stood strong and placed her hands on her hips "in short your orders are to develop your children into imperial scholars and if that necessitates underhanded methods so be it," Twilight nodded as I shifted my weight on my heels fighting boredom "there is also a system of demerits, known as tonitrus bolts, awarded for things like poor grades and behavior be careful as accumulating eight of those leads to expulsion," once more Twilight nodded.

This lead to hours of the two talking about what the next move would be and how best to go about it and though listening in was interesting in its own boring way it left a bad taste in my mouth as to how they were going about these plans.

Soon enough it had reached the end of their meeting and she finally turned to me then Twilight "Before you two go I want a moment with (Y/n) to discuss a few things," Twilight gave me a tense look before nodding and moving towards the elevator waiting for me to join him once ready.

I looked at the Iron Lady and nodded as if welcoming her questions. She smiled and took a seat at her desk "so tell me, how is your new life with Twilight? Are you enjoying it?" I bit the inside of my chest keeping a neutral face "it's not as challenging as you made it seem, reading people has always been one of my strengths so it pretty easy to fall into rhythm," she nodded with a knowing smirk as if she could see right through me at every thing I wasn't saying. "Tell me then, what do you think of the child and the wife Twilight has chosen," I blinked at her once before looking at my hands.

I picked together what I wanted to say as if playing a game of chess in my head and plotting the next moves of my opponent "the child isn't the brightest but has the personality big enough to overshadow it, she needs a bit of time coughing up but she'll be fine, though she has an uncanny ability to understand things that she shouldn't be able to, I believe Twilight has blown it off as amazing intuition, but I'm afraid it's something more complicated then that," I slowly clenched my fists as I thought of Yor.

"The wife is a different story, I believe she's not telling us everything and is hiding something that could put everything in danger yet I'm not clear on what exactly it is or how sever the damage might be to the operation, I need to look more into it before I have a verdict," it hurt me to talk in such a way about Yor who has been nothing but gental to me seance I met her but it was true. In a war like this you have to look at all sides of people and pick them apart until you understand every single aspect of who they are and what they might do next.

The Iron Lady nodded along before giving a faint smile and giving my arm a squeeze "thank you for looking into this," and with that I walked back over to Loid and we started home.

(AN: I've changed it so new chapters come out every other week, I know this might be a little sad to see but I couldn't keep up with the posting and I'm hoping this gives me a little more motivation to write these for you guys, I hope you understand and I'll see you in the next one)

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