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I curled up with my book on the couch as Loid sat in front of Anya helping her with her homework something I wasn't to concerned about considering the things our teacher were teaching felt almost elementary so I have chosen to push it for latter tonight or maybe on the bus.

Loid pointed to her work book "so the Denominator here is three right? Which makes it one-third, to put it another way if you have three thirds you would have one, easy right?" I looked over my book and looked at Anya's face to see her even more lost then the last five times he had explained this to her. I snorted and shook my head looking at my book, Loid was no teacher and that was clear.

Even without looking I could feel his eyes drilling into the side of my head. Both him and Anya were frazzled, that was a no brainer, my point only being proven as Yor spoke up observing this along with me "umm Loid? Maybe you should give her a short break," Loid's eyes moved from their glare on me to Yor "No time for that she needs to learn this today," at his words the memory of what happened last night played out in my mind.


It was passed Anya's bed time and I was in my room laying on my bed flipping through my book when a light knock came from my door. I let out a noise that was no word but rather a recognition that they could come in, Loid opened the door and closed it softly behind him as he moved inside.

I placed my book face down on the bed and sat up giving him an expecting look as he leaned on my bed frame. "I figured you deserved an up date on where things stand with Anya, and what happened earlier today," I stayed silent but extended my hand in a 'you may continue' gesture. His eyes moved to the wall lost in thought as he spoke not letting any emotion bleed into his words "She apologized, even started crying but he didn't accept it choosing to run out into the halls making a full sense out of it," I lifted an eyebrow and nodded "I see, so you don't think plan B will work do you?" His eyes moved back to mine and he nodded.

Slowly a hand went to his hair "I don't believe she has much of a chance, we need her to get her grades up if she's unable to befriend Desmond yet that seems like a bigger leap," I shrugged and leaned back on my arms "I'm afraid you'll find no luck with me and Demetrius either, he's Cocky and arrogant, very classiest as well, as long as he believes me to be on a lower level then him he'll continue to be a pain to talk to," Loid stayed silent for a moment pondering for a moment "would your grades sway his judgment?" I squinted at him before answering "I believe so, but he might see me as a challenge more then anything," the room went silent for a moment before another knock rang out.

"Loid are you in there? I hope you two aren't fighting," Loid flinched as I looked over at the door to see Yor peeking in "Nope, not at all we're just talking about one of my classmates," this seemed to peek Yor's interest as she stepped in "oh is that so? What about them?" I shrugged "just a guy who's being a jerk," she seemed to ponder this for a moment before slamming her fist in her pom with an idea "oh he must like you, Loid isn't that what young boys do when they have crushes?" Loid's eyes were wide with confusion "I don't think it's that-" but it was to late Yor hand raced over to my side and had gripped my hands so hard she popped each finger.

"Yuri never had any crushes or anything so I've never been able to talk to anyone about this sort of thing," and like that hours went by of Yor asking me questions about Demetrius non stop.


I shivered at the memory. Loid broke my train of thought "no spy cartoons tonight if you don't finish this, understood?" Anya flinched in shock but I couldn't help but feel a sense of complete joy at the idea of not having to see that horrid kids show. Out of everything I have experienced in my life all of the Traumatic Experience that cartoon was the only thing that had ever given me nightmares.

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