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Class was more or less the same, other then Samuel he kept looking back at me from his seat in front of mine, all the other kids still avoided me from the 'violent little sister thing' but it didn't bother me much yet today there was chatter in the air people gossiping and spreading roomers most likely about my public declaration. No one said anything directly to me so I mostly ignored it choosing to direct my attention to something more important.

The lunch bell rang and I watched as Demetrius stood and walked out of the room spearing only a glance at me as he walked into the halls. I lifted an eyebrow before following he's lead out to the halls.

Once in the library I chose a secluded table with two chairs and sat down, my book bag on one side and the case on the table. I cracked it open and started setting up my chessboard marble and glassy, I then sat down on the white pieces side twisting the queen between my fingers mindlessly as I waited, and waited, and waited.

I snorted out a laugh as I set down the piece with a small click. Then the door opened, my eyes shooting up and clashing against blue ones, Sam's blue eyes to be exact. I leaned back keeping eye contact as he closed the door and walked towers me a small smile spread across his face but not a sweet friendly one but amused as if he found me being here funny.  He stoped before me and crossed his arms tilting his head.

"Did you really think that would work?" A smirk formed on my face, "it was worth a shot wouldn't you say?" He chuckled as he shock his head "your funny (Y/n) Forger, funny and stupid," I lifted my eyebrow keeping my smirk as I spoke "stupid? What makes you say that?" He looked back at me and took the chair across from me and leaned on the table "challenging Demetrius, annoying him, meddling with his family, all rather stupid to me at least," I shrugged folding my hands onto the table as I did so.

"on the contrary, it's taught me a lot about him, take this challenge as example, him not showing up tells me that he doesn't see me as worthy of his time and even when I provoke him and ask him for some friendly competition he will see it as nothing more then an inconvenience, this also tells me that approaching him until I have proven myself an equal is rather wasteful of my time," I could tell that Samuel wasn't expecting my analysis as he's smile had fallen in to a flat expression, I kept going.

"And I can also tell that your not supposed to me here, with me, even as the closet person to Demetrius he still doesn't see the two of you as equals now dose he?" His eyes hardened and I could tell I had hit a nerve "If it's any consolation I don't believe it's your fault, he seems to see himself on a level that no one could possibly reach, I'm not saying he doesn't care about you he just seems not to understand people or how they act," Sam had dipped his head so his bangs cover his eyes as I spoke and now he's shoulders trembled.

If he was crying I wouldn't be able to handle that, I know what I said and I believed it to be true but I also had nothing against Sam. He lifted his head and he seemed to be laughing, not some cocky chuckle that he had been but instead a full blown belly laugh so much so that he really was crying to some extent. My condolences, he had lost his mind.

Soon his laughter came to a stop and he looked at me smiling "I'm sorry but, you got all of that from him? The Demetrius Desmond? Master of the poker face and king of emotionless?" I tilted my head slightly "what do you mean?" Before he answered me Sam leaned back in his chair and braced his head with his hands "I've known Demetrius for as long as I can remember and he has always been emotionally guarded and absent minded to the point that I would be surprised if the guy had thoughts at all yet you in less then a week clocked him perfectly," I blinked at him not sure what I should say.

Sam just smiled as he stood up placing a hand on the table "I have no reason to be against you (Y/n) and I would rather not have to be but if you think that there isn't someone watching out for Demetrius then your dead wrong, I don't know what your planing but if you pull anything I will rain hell on you," with that he tipped over the black queen in front of him and walked out of the library as the bell rang. I stared at the fallen queen mind racing.

This clears up some of the suspicions I had about Sam yet made things more difficult in the long run.


I walked out of school waiting by the gate as kids of all ages clamored out of classes in a rush to go home, I spotted Anya easily as her pink hair was telling I watched as she slowly walked over to me and head butted me in the stomach, I placed a hand on her head and chuckled a bit "seems you had a rough day," she groaned into my uniform and lifted her head to look at me her eyes tiered and bored "I'm sorry Sib, all that studying didn't help math sucks," Becky who was walking with her sighed and placed a hand on her hip.

"She seemed so confident when we were in class but she got most of them wrong," she then seemed to realize what she was saying and looked up at me with a slight blush placing her hands on her cheeks as she looked up at me "oh but I have no doubt she got the ones she did get right thanks to you (Y/n), from what Anya said your quite the teacher," I chuckled thinking back to last night when I attempted to help Anya.

Hours of explaining where she went wrong and how to do it right filled my braids as I grimmest. "Thanks Firecracker," I then reached down and picked up Anya as she turned into a rag doll "I'm going to get this one home, but I hope to see you later," I waved at her as I walked towards the bus with Anya tucked into my arms already half asleep most likely because of how late she was up with me last night. The bus driver nodded to me as I walked on and placed her on the seat next to me and I pulled out my book.


The sounds of the TV filled the room and I tried to ignore it to the best of my abilities, the sound of leather hitting skin and the screams the emitted from it making me jump every time as I shoved my head into my book farther trying to force on the words rather then the sounds around me. Loid sat next to me with his own book yet he seemed distracted as well by what Anya was doing. She then turned to Loid "how many bullets does Bondman's gun have?" Loid looked back to the screen and squinted at the gun "that gun there has an eight-round capability," Anya thought for a moment.

Her eyes then lit up and she looked at Loid and me "So that's two eighths," my eyes shifted to her as a warm fuzzy feeling filled my chest as I closed my book and set it down watching Anya. Loid shot to his feet a look of joy spread across his face as he smiled at her "Yes, that'a correct," seeing his joy she walked over confident in her answer "He had two eighths of his Am-yoo-nish-un," I Leaned back in my chair as I looked at Anya and Loid, I guess Bondman was a better teacher then me. I had to stop myself from laughing as the door opened and Yor came in panicked.

She was sweating more from stress then exhaustion "Loid, Loid we've got a big problem," Loid's attention had shifted from Anya to Yor "welcome home, Yor," while Anya stood next to home reveling in her correct answer. I stood at this moment and leaned on the wall trying to get a better idea of what was happening.

Yor placed a hand on her chest as a way to calm her self down though it didn't seem to work well as she frantically spoke "it's Yuri, my brother's coming here tonight," I looked over at Loid who's face dropped. Oh this was going to be good.

(AN: I'm not going to Lie, Samuel is kinda hot right now nothing like an over protective friend to come in clutch with their emotionally closed off friend. In other news, where almost done with Vol. 2!! Tell next time, hope you enjoyed ^^)

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