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Ostanias great scientific minds were trying to build super soldiers to finish the war between them and the west. This was common knowledge to me as I was one of the first attempts at one, intelligent, strong and most important deceiving. I could be the perfect child, the brightest student or that coldest of killers if I put my mind to it, but that took the fun out of it.

Knowing your capabilities and being well over the idea of 'normal' ability was more of a drag, never offering the challenges of normal life. That's why I chose to take on this mission, to expand my horizons of the abnormal as I myself am abnormal. But no here I stood outside the back of a fancy restaurant playing guard outside the back door as Twilight posed as a waiter went to confront his current targets.

A side mission mostly focused on preventing the triad of important information from organizations created to support the war efforts. He was supposed be to pose as a waiter and clear the plate with the intention before it was trained to the agent posed at another waiter. This left little room for me to barge in as it would be strange to have a 15 year old waiter clearing tables at what's supposed to be a five star restaurant.

I sucked in a deep breath and leaned against the wall as I did so, at the very least Yor could have let me keep my book for when times got boring, but no this was child father bonding time. The irony was killing me, there was a crash inside then the sound of pounding footsteps as the door crashed opened and a scrony man with red hair ran out of the restaurant dressed in the uniform for waiters.

He turned sharply down the ally not sparing me a glance as he booked it, soon Twilight appeared in the doorway not even a sweat on his brow as he gripped the wooden frame. "What are you standing around for? Go after him," he yelled looking at me, my face twisted to a smirk as I ran after the man at full speed. The man had tried to blend into the crowd as he shifted his pace and lowered his head, but the uniformed gave him away making it hard to miss him as I sprinted through the people milling about.

He must have saw me as I moved closer as he tried to pick up the speed and more closer but it was to late as I grabbed the caller of the shirt and pulled him back into one of the side allies of the street. He tried to squirm out of my grip but it was like metal agains the fabric, until I had him deep enough in. "You west pigs are all the same, You filthy creatures living in your own waist, you should all die," I shrugged at the man and leaned against one of the walls trapping him in the ally as I waited for Twilight.

"Sir, I'm from Ostania, so your little insults don't work on me," the man gauged at in shock as his fists clenched at his sides "then why would you help them, those filthy things don't deserve your pity, your worse then them you traitor," I shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me, east, west it's all the same, just stupid people doing stupid things to make themselves feel better about their fragile lives," a sugary sweet smile plastered to my lips as I spoke. The man stumbled back, "how can you not have any loyalty to the country that has given you so much you heathen," I shrugged again.

This time though he lunged at me, I stood up straight ready to push him off but I didn't have to as someone beat me to the chase, Loid stood in front of me holding both the man's hands with a glare on his face that I had only seen a handful of times. "You are the real scum of the earth, prolonging a war that may hurt and kill hundreds," with that He pushed the man back and fixed his suit, cracking his neck once before starting at the man again.

The fight seemed in slow motion as Loid ended of fast with a spin and flick of his wrist to the right part of the man's back. He then sighed and looked back at me "he didn't hurt you or anything right," I shook my head and looked at the man with a slight smirk "been taking yoga lessons with Yor or something, you hit that pressure point well," Loid's face took on a red hue that it often did when you complimented him "no not exactly just something I picked up," I shock my head and started out of the ally "sure, whatever you say,"

Loid picked up the intel for the passed out man before straightening "so now what? Yor probably won't let us back in until another hour or so," I shrugged "ice cream?" I pointed to a small cart to the side of the street with a vender selling ice cream. Loid nodded and we walked over.


"I never would have pictured you as a sweets guy Loid," I said as we leaned on a bench ice creams in hand. I chose (F/F) while Loid chose classic vanilla. He looked over at me "I'm not but this is what good fathers do with their children right? When they've done a good job," I attracted my ice cream before answering "my parents weren't like that but I could see the appeal, makes me want to do better to get better rewords," Loid tilted his head "I guess we should get you something for passing the transfer exam shouldn't we?" He prompted.

I studied his face for a moment before shrugging "I don't know what I would want," he hummed and lifted him hand, placing it gently on my head "take your time to think it over, once your sure it's all yours," he then paused for a moment and looked up at the blue sky, it was still only afternoon the missions faster then what was expected he sighed taking in a deep breath. "Yor was right, I do owe you an apology (Y/n), I wasn't being fair to you and I know that, but if Anya doesn't make it in your my only hope of accomplishing my mission and it's tricky to rely on you guys so much," I nodded.

"In a way I owe you one as well, I never lived a life style like this and it's, strange to say the least, just need time to adjust," he nodded "you and me both, I suppose that now we've made up Yor might let us in," I nodded and stood, he did as well and we made our way home with a comfortable silence between us not as strained as it once was.

(AN: I know this was both kinda late and shorter then normal, I took a nap and didn't think about the post until now sooo sorry my bad. Also, if any of you have any ideas on what (Y/n)'s reward should be I'm all ears, all I can think of is a chess board but that's boring, thanks  for reading have a good day ^^)

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