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"Sib? Sib are you awake?" I peeked open an eye to my dark ceiling and pitch black room. I sat up and ruffled that hair at the back of my head as I let my eyes adjust, once they do I can clearly see Anya standing at the door with her blanket and that stuffed animal she seemed to always sleep with. I yawned before replying "What is it short stack?" She let go of the door knob and looked down a bit seemingly ashamed.

"I'm sorry for having you help me with my homework," I threw my lags to the side of my bed and studied the girl. As far as I'm aware I made no sign that helping her was a problem, sure it was annoying at times but explaining the same concepts over and over again in different ways would be for anyone.

I pushed myself off my bed and crouched down to be eye level with her "it was no problem, I'll be here to help whenever you need it okay?" She lifted her eyes and met mine in the darkness of my room and smiled before ramming into my for a big hug. Between Yor and Anya I had gotten more hugs in these few months then I had for most of my childhood, but slowly I was starting to like how warm they were even Anya's who was small and soft still made my chest feel fuzzy.

I placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair and she slowly backed up and looked at me with a look of hope "can I sleep in here tonight?" I tilted my head a bit lost, this wasn't the first night she had snuck into my room but it was the first time she wanted to sleep in here, usually she would drag me to hers where I would be asked to play games and read to her, that sort of thing. I looked around my room, in all honesty it was plain, I didn't know what to fill it with so I had the basics.

A desk that a few weeks about was empty but was now filled with books and random papers most of which just had the words 'I'm so bored' or 'kill me now' written on them along with my book bag on my chair, a small dresser held the few clothes that Loid had got me and my uniform on top and then there was my nightstand that had a growing pile of books that captivated my interest, and my bed. That was it, compared to Anya's colorful and fun room mine looked dull and almost lifeless.

I looked back to her and shrugged "I don't mind but are you sure? This place is a little spooky at night and I don't want you to get nightmares," she flashed a confident look and nodded "don't worry Sib, I said I would protect you and I will," she threw a few air punches as she spoke "I'll attack anyone that tries to hurry us," I let out a chuckle and shook my head as I stood up "how could I forget your my little hero," she smiled up at me.

I slept on the floor with my confrere. We both could have fit on the bed, she was small enough but from past experience Anya was not a calm sleeper, she flailed and talked in her sleep a lot witch is a cute habit when your not the one having to sleep next to her as she squirms around. I looked up at my ceiling lost in thought, what was I even saying? 'I'll be here to help' I almost sound as delusional as Loid at this point. I huffed and turned over stretching my fingers as I watched them move, my mission is to become an imperial scholar and or befriend Demetrius Desmond. I looked passed my hand under my bed where the only object that was actually mine lived, doomed to collect dust for all of time sat and I smiled.


There was a light knock on my door and my eyes once again peered open only this time light danced on my ceiling from the window covered with blinds. I didn't bother sitting up and looking at the door or offering a greeting only tried to roll over and drag my blankets with me, the only problem? A mass had trapped my comforter under it. The mass was Anya who apparently in the middle of the night had forsaken my bed and chose to instead to curl up at the bottom of my comforter.

I let out a soft grunt then sighed, moving off the blanket I massaged my shoulder as the door opened showing Loid still in his pajamas. He looked still a little dreary but only someone who had analyzed him enough would see the signs. He held a cup of coffee but stopped in the doors frame when he saw Anya passed out on the ground and me not fighting to sleep. He looked at her then me and gave me a questioning look, I shrugged but stood up moving Anya onto the bed again along with my blankets and walking to the door forcing Loid to back into the hall as I closed the door behind me.

I took the coffee out of Loid's hands and moved into the dining room and sat down, Loid followed but stood parallel to me in front of the table and placed his hands on it "what was that about?" Again I shrugged "beats me, she just came in apologizing for having me help her then asked to sleep with me," he squinted his eyes "and you were both sleeping on the floor?" I set my coffee done and looked back at him "she was originally on the bed, I don't even know how she got on the ground she was just there when I woke up," he nodded along still confused but seemed to drop the subject.

Like every morning that I have had to go to school seance the problems with the first day I helped Loid in the kitchen and made breakfast, omelettes with ham and veggies. I chopped everything while Loid dealt with the stove and set the table, soon Yor came out and sat at the table thanking us for the food and happily eating while Loid when to try and get Anya up. Soon enough though we were all set to leave, we stood at the door ready to catch the bus when Yor stopped me and smiled.

"Your hair is sticking up a bit here," she brushed her fingers through it and patted it down a bit and smiled at her work "there you go," I thanked her and we started waking to the bus where we said our goodbye. As the bus started moving Anya fell asleep on the bus window no doubt because of how bad the floor was, my neck still ached from the fact as I leaned back on the bus seat, as she slept I read up until we arrived.

I shook her shoulder and she looked around dazed before I practically shoved her off the bus where Becky took it from there though as usual she acted strangely batting her eyes and smiling widely at me I just kind of nodded and told her good morning before I set my eyes on my real goal.

The same path to class I had become accustomed to and the same head of dark hair, I had spent days watching how Samuel seemed to act around him trying to figure out what made him so approachable to Demetrius. I changed my body language matching how Samuel walked and pushing my shoulders back to seem more Brad. I rushed up to him and flashed a smile hooking my arm around his own shoulders and pulling him in a bit "Desmond nice seeing you here," he fixed me with a blank stare as he pushed off my arm and shoved it slightly back at me "Not really, this is school, I'm supposed to be here," mentally I crossed 'act like Samuel' off my list but didn't let my smile fall "sure but you are one of the only students I know," he didn't face me as we continued walking to class but scanned me up and down.

"You don't talk much in class and roomers spread, it seems your sister has bought you a reputation as violent," I moved my own eyes forward "I'm not surprised, from what I have heard most of the first years avoid her because of what she did to your brother, quite a hold you Desmond's have on the school," he hummed keeping pace with me "well the best dose recognize the best," I hummed at this and gripped my bag or more specifically the case in my bag "would you like to test that theory?" He stoped and I turned to face him.

I had peeked his interest that was clear and only made my smile grow "meet me in the library at lunch," he stared at me and I could see the gears turning trying to figure out what I had planned. Keeping him wondering I walked into our classroom and took my seat

(AN: Soo not many people were satisfied with this chapter and honestly I wasn't either so I rewrote it, don't worry I'll still post on my normal timeline just want to have work posted to this story be done properly, also, (Y/n) may be smart and good at reading people but they are still socially inept, meaning they understand how someone thinks but not how to respond to it, much love!)

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