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I stretched and cracked my neck as I stood up, the other seat at my desk had been empty for all of my classes and there were whispers around the room as my classmates fell into their clicks and made their way out. I only caught a word here and there about 'Eden almost never exacting transfers' or 'their violent sister' witch often flowed with 'the poor little Desmond brother', I glanced over at Demetrius who had to be hearing what I was yet he only looked down at his hands for a moment then clenched them with an almost furious look before smoothing it over with a blank stare and was led into the hall by his friend.

A smirk spread across my face as a snatched my bag and ran after the duo. "Yo Desmond wait up," I saw the boy flinch and look over his shoulder at me eyes wide as his friend did the same looking at me then Demetrius. "What do you want Forger? Make it quick lunch is only so long," I stopped a little behind them and gave a slight smile that didn't quite reach my eyes "you see I'm in a bit of a predicament, I have no one to eat lunch with and well," I pause taking a step to walk around him keeping eye contact "As the only person I know and the kind person you are I thought maybe I could sit with you two?" His friend was looking at me then back at Demetrius a bit confused but enjoying the show.

It was a swift and immediate answer "no," and he looked away and started walking off, not noticing his other half wasn't following until he was down the hall a far bit. The boy who stood before me was well built and had well trimmed blond hair with glinting blue eyes that seemed to spark with mischief, something I wouldn't have expected from someone friends with the stuck in the mud known as Demetrius.

He stuck his hand out with a kind smile "Samuel Klemons but just call me Sam everyone does, it's nice to meet you," I slid my hand into his and gave it a nice shake. Unlike Demetrius he was in fact taller then my by a good amount, enough for me to have to look up. Sam was also an imperial scholar, having the red cloak draped over his shoulders.

I smirked "(Y/n) Forger, (Y/n) for anyone but Desmond," Sam snickered at that as Demetrius at the end of the hall started to storm back to us glaring at Me then Sam. Demetrius stopped in front of the two of we looking back and forth practically fuming in his deadpan way, "Sam we don't have much time and I would rather not waste it on this," he paused and looked me up and down "thing, any longer then I have to," this pissed me off yet I let my smirk stay only slightly strained by the comment "Why Desmond, I would have never thought you of all people would stoop to such juvenile taunts," I could see him stiffen from my words.

Soon his shoulders fell and he smiled as well, his as tense as mine not meeting his eyes as he did "Oh but Forger, I'm only matching the energy of the person I'm speaking to," the side of my lip twitched as I stepped closer. "Yet you were the one to start this discussion, all I asked was a bit of kindness form the only person I know yet you seem to be more interested in acting as if you were five," his eye twitched as he took a step closer as well not willing to back down "speaking of five year olds maybe you would have better luck with a class full of them, where you can learn to respect those of a higher status then yo-," before he could finish Sam clapped a hand on Demetrius's shoulder, an uncomfortable smile on his face.

"Well it was nice meeting you (Y/n) but me and Demetrius usually eat in the imperial scholar's lunchroom, I hope you'll soon join us there but until that we'll see you after lunch break," Sam then quickly shoved Demetrius down the hall swiftly but not before he was able to give me one last glare. I stood in the hall and waved at them as I watched them disappear in the crowd, my smile fell and I clinched my fists.

What a dick.


I shoved my hands into my pocket as I walked down the hall, well if I couldn't eat with the stuck up prince as I have now chosen to refer to him as then I might as well try and find Anya. I looked up at the ceiling thinking for a moment, Anya's last class had to be English as far as I know so the nearest lunchroom to her would have been the West End one. That was only a few more halls down from here so it wasn't to bad.

Something rammed in to me, my hands shot down and landed on the shoulders of a young boy. He stumbled back and looked up at me, we stood staring at each other for a moment, he's cheeks were rosy and he looked embarrassed or was he blushing? Recognition clicked in my head, Damian Desmond. I smirked, well I guess if you lose one brother work on the other.

I knelt down to his hight "hey you okay? You look a bit freaked," he froze startled that I was talking and looked behind him as if he was expecting people to be there, though the halls were empty before he turned back to me "I'm fine, sorry for running into you," I stood up and smile placing my hands on my hips "no problem, but would you mind if I ask what your doing around here during lunch? Your a first year right? So shouldn't you be chowing down?" The redness in his cheeks had gone down and he seemed more at ease. 

"I simply didn't feel like being in there anymore, why are you out here?" I shrugged "I was caught up with some jerk and ended up taking way to much time, I was heading to the West dinning hall when you ran into me, I was going to try and track down my sister," he nodded slowly taking in what I was saying, I smiled down at him "your one of the Desmond boys right? I'm in a class with your older brother," his eyes light up when I brought up Demetrius, why I couldn't tell you.

His grin was bright and his eyes shined, "are you guys friends?" I wanted to laugh at how dumb of an idea that was, I was surprised the stuck up asshole even had Sam but instead I just chuckled "getting there, your Brother is a bit difficult," Damian looked down a bit, the excitement draining out of him. He understood all to well didn't he? My chest hurt but I couldn't tell if it was guilt or pity. Looking back at how Demetrius seemed so disinterested with his brother's life when it came to what Anya had done, I couldn't imagine how aloof the older boy was in Damian's life.

Without thinking I placed my hand on the boy's head and ruffled his hair "(Y/n) Forger, if you ever need anything I'll listen," before he could react I walked off the way he came "see you around squirt," two boys ran past me panting as I rounded the corner down the hall. If anything came out of today, at least I found a Desmond I could handle.

I made my way to the lunchroom to meet up with Anya.

(AN: Absolutely love Damian with all my heart, he deserves better so you know what...ima give him better! Demetrius is still a grouch and will be for a while but what can I say, the man has walls we need to chip away at. Anyways hope you enjoyed and happy new years!!!)

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