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Who knew rich people were this boring? Loid spent the time making connections and talking to random people putting his name out there while constantly looking back at me, wether that was to check I was still there or to make sure I wasn't doing anything out of line. Yor just sipped wine and followed Loid around though every now and then she would look back at me, smile and wave before returning to the conversation.

I on the other hand leaned on the wall and pulled out my book sifting through the pages as if it was my only life line. That was until someone interrupted my reading "(Y/n) Forger I presume?" I closed the book and closed my eyes before fixing my posture "and you must be my tour guide," I opened my eyes to see a boy.

He had dark hair smoothed back with dull tiered eyes that seemed to be over analyzing everything he looked at. He had to be no older then me but still stood a few inches shorter, a long red cloak draped over his uniform.

His eyes narrowed as he looked me up and down "none of the staff members were able to take time out of their busy schedules to give you a tour so they burdened me to do so," he sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose as if just the idea of dragging me around was unbearable. "Just stay close and keep things brief," he turned dramatically causing his cloak to flutter.

A smirk grew on my face, he totally did that on purpose. "You never introduced yourself, it's clear you know who I am but you have yet to tell me even your name," the boy sighed and looked behind him, his face unamused "I'm Desmond, Demetrius Desmond but you can call me Desmond," I knew it. My smile grew a bit larger "Nice to be acquainted Demetrius," he rolled his eyes and started walking making me rush to catch up to him.


The first Desmond son produced to drag me around every corridor in the property and give a brief description of all of them as if I didn't have eyes. I couldn't tell if he thought I was dumb or blind with the way he seemed to describe the locations using words that were above both of our grade levels then proceed to explain them to me like a child.

His behavior grew annoying fast and started to drag down my pace. He started to notice this in the west dining hall as instead of listening to him explain the word 'confluence' to me I chose to interrupt "Do the grades mix for lunch?" He blinked at me for a second his eyebrow twitching but that was the only sign of irritation.

He took in a breath "yes but imperial scholars eat in a separate room and most of the older kids prefer to eat elsewhere," I nod to myself still only partly paying attention and that seemed to be clear as Demetrius paused and turned to look at me, his hazel eyes flashing with slight irritation before returning to the dullness they seemed to always portray.

He stepped up to me close enough that I could feel his breath on my neck as he glared up at me. "Listen Forger, I want to make it clear you are not on my level and you may never be but if I am forced to waste my precious time on some commoner explaining the astonishment they were so lucky to attend I would hope they would be honored to hear such grand speeches," a smirk once again grew on my face as i eyed the shorter boy "so then would you like me to kiss your shoes and praise the very ground you walk on just simply you believe you are of better standing then I am?" He faltered, taken aback by the reaction his steely glare turned to one of confusion and discomfort.

I pushed harder challenging him by taking a step forward and there for forcing him to take a step back. "If you do believe your better then me then please, explain how I a simple commoner became Eden's only exchange student in the 10th grade?" I extended my arms for dramatic effect grinning all the while before meeting his eyes. He had regathered himself and returned to his expression of stone.

That didn't matter to much through, I had gotten the reaction I had wanted so calmly I walked over to him and leaned in "food for thought Desmond, don't underestimate the people around you based on your perception of them, now let's head to the next hall shall we?" And with that I moved on without him before he was the one rushing to catch up.

Needless to say he stayed mostly quiet for the rest of the tour, only commenting on locations and historical meanings no longer waisting time explaining words. I appreciated that made him less snotty in a way, without the entitled stick up his ass. Though every once in a while I would see him glaring at me with those tiered dull eyes as if he was trying to drill into my head and read my thoughts, I simply ignored it.

He walked me back to the lounge where Anya had now reunited with Loid and Yor but something must have gone terribly wrong as Loid looked like he was ready to pass out. Demetrius followed my eyes to see my 'family' they stood out as odd even without people knowing we were frauds, he blinked once his gaze still cold and clicked his tongue "it makes sense now," and turned away cloak fluttering as he did so.

I rolled my eyes what a drama queen, with the boy out of sight and lost in the crowd of people I refocus on my family and moved quietly towards them "did someone die or something?" Loid flinched a little witch actually shocked me. I had been around Loid for months yet this was the first time I was able to startle him, usually he would notice my presence before I noticed him. He turned to me with eyes the I didn't need to analyze to know what he was thinking.

'We're doomed'

Loid focused his eyes on me "I hope you know I blame you for this?" My eyebrows knit "what? I didn't do anything," I could see his eye twitch and his teeth grind as he tilted his head "I clearly remember something along the lines of 'go kick their butts' well it looks like Anya took your advice," I blinked and looked past him to see Anya standing next to Yor gripping her dress practically hiding behind it looking up at me. I looked back up at Loid "you can't honestly believe that's what made her hurt a kid right? It's like saying do your best," I argued back.

That's when Yor burst into tears "their right, it's my fault, please Loid don't blame them, I'm the one that taught her how to punch," she started to draw a crowed with her sobbing and Loid's bitterness washed away "No Yor it's okay, stop crying you did nothing wrong," aloud walked over to her with his hands up as if to comfort her but he didn't know how to.

I let out a small chuckle and rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly not really knowing how to handle this situation "No Yor I probably shouldn't have told her to do that, it's not all your fault," Yor sniffed and looked at me with watery eyes.

Before I knew it she had engulfed me in a hug, a tight one that probably cracked every bone in my back but a warm safe one. Yor had hugged me dozens of times in the time I had known her yet every time it shocked me how wonderful it felt to just melt in her arms, it was like home but not any home I had ever known one that actually felt comforting. "Oh (Y/n) it's fine, please I was the one who showed her all you did was say a silly phrase don't blame yourself," I took a deep breath and parted from Yor. "How about we both take some of the blam," she smiled and it was warm and sweet "sounds great,"

(AN: I can't tell if I'm going to Heavy on the Yor and Reader relationship, I don't want it to feel as though they have a crush or anything on her just that the Reader hasn't ever experienced Yor's type of affection before and so it's all overwhelming while Loid's stricter relationship resembles their actual partners and that's why they feel more comfortable talking back to Loid, I am by no means trying to ship Yor and the reader [not that anyone has commented on it just nipping it in the bud] also this is a sort of rivals to lovers so don't worry (Y/n) and Demetrius will get more chemistry later on I know it was kinda high tension. Sorry for the long AN but I hope you enjoyed ^^)

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