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I watched as a drunk old man chased around my six year old sister in an empty ballroom. Slowly I turned to look up at Loid who was watching along "how exactly did this happen?" He let out an exhausted sigh and slumped "honestly I don't even know at this point,"


Laughter filled the apartment as Franky took another galp of his wine as he smiled visibly drunk "and to think it's all because I managed to swipe those test answers," he mused witch made Loid stiffen and glare at him "they can hear you idiot," I looked between them and then at Anya and Yor who I sat between, Anya munching away at her dinner and Yor swaying side to side in h her chair.

I looked back to Loid "I don't think they're paying attention even if they did hear you," to prove my point Yor looked up from her glass with unfocused eyes "Huuuuh? Whatcha talkin' abouth?" I turned to Loid and gave him a look, he sighed and leaned back in his chair defeated.

"Are you drinking at all Mr. Killjoy," Franky pursued his lips like he had just had a lemon as he talked to witch Loid looked down to his drink "I've been trained to drink without becoming intoxicated," I smirked and leaned my head on my elbow "you should teach me that trick," Loid immediately glared at me "no you are not drinking alcohol any time soon," I shrugged "worth a try," all the while me and Loid spoke Franky just stared at us baffled "what sort of life is that? Never being drunk?" He then quickly switched conversations.

Franky turned to Anya with a smile "wow you did great Anya, way better then that rat, hell I bet your pop's would buy you whatever you want as a reward," I stuck out my tongue at him for the rat comment but the topic of 'rewards' caught her attention as she shot her head up to look between the men. Loid glared at Franky "don't tell her that," bored with the conversation I turned over to Yor who was poring her self another glass of wine.

"I don't wanna get something I wanna do something," I tapped Yor's shoulder gathering her attention and pointed to the window, she turned her head and started studying the view of the streets from where we were at the table "oh? Well I guess if it's within reason," I quickly took Yor's glass and dumped the majority of it into the plant by the table before setting it back on the table and looking out the window. Yor turned to me with a questioning look and I shrugged as she then turned back to her glass taking another sip.

Noise came from the living room making me tilt back in my chair to see both men and Anya standing in front of the screen. The voices from the show clicked in my head as Anya's cartoon and my eyes widened, "that show is not meant for the eyes of children not to mention children, it's a cures on all cartoon kind," I called back shivering at the memories of what I had seen. Loid looked at me for a moment in confusion before sighting and shacking his head. "Ether way, traumatized teen or not were not doing that," Loid said firmly.

Anya started to sniff as Franky crowed down next to her also teary eyed "you monster, how could you, now I won't go to your fancy school," he called out in a falsetto voice "don't speak for her," Franky raced over to Loid "pssst Loid word is that there's this castle in Münk that you can rent to like 50,000 Dalc a day, the government doesn't have eyes out there so you could cut loose without worry,"

I snorted out a laugh "Loid? Cut loose? I think he's physically incapable of doing that," Franky rolled his eyes at me and went back to Anya slowly patting her head as she cried. "I mean after how hard Anya worked I don't think it would kill ya to throw her a bone," Loid sighed and turned the other way.

And that's how we got here, in this empty castle. Yor had brought a bottle of wine with her that I constantly dumped out when she wasn't looking, I didn't know how bad she could get and I didn't want to find out based on how tight her hugs were. Anya stoped running and turned towards us "what's wrong?" Loid stepped forward "it's empty, it feels wrong," Anya said pointing at the cleared floors, she looked down and started pouting "I don't think I could go to school anymore," Franky hovered over her "I know right," making Loid visibly pissed.

I shook my head and leaned over to him "and you call me a bad influence," he glared down at me "that's because you are, just not as bad as he is," I shrugged "so how exactly are you going to met the wigwams of a child Twilight," once more he sighed and moved away making a call.

With in seconds the ballroom was full of tables and food and people all dressed up in their best "you must have a lot of pull at WISE to pull this off," I said scanning the room at all of the faces "Yes well, let's get this over with," Franky moved over and patted him on the back "see just took a little help from your agency," it was like you could see Loid either way at that moment but you couldn't have heard it over the sound of all the agents chattering.

Loid turned to Anya "now what?" Anya placed her finger on her chin and looked around. She pointed at Loid "you're the Spy that saves me," then at Franky "you're the league of evil's leader," she then pointed at me "you're the spy's side kick that only moves the story along," I gasped at her and went to make a remark but she had already moved on to Yor "and umm you can be, whatever," Yor looked destroyed by the role or lack there of one that Anya gave her witch made me feel a bit better.

She then tipped over a table and stood behind it. "Save me Loidman," I paused to stare at her, kids never make enough sense for half the things they do or want you to do. Franky as if born for this role hopped into action standing in front of the turned over table "Bwa ha ha, I'm impressed you've made it this far loidman," shocked Loid stared at Franky "your going along with this?" I could see the gears turning in his head as once again he did over analysis on the situation.

I smirked and moved up next to Loid "come on Loidman, Princess Anya is waiting for us and we can't have the evil fluffy head take her again," hopefully me playing along as well will force him into acting. Man would this be hilarious, "please... return the princess right now," Loid's face was red and his words carried no weight compared to how he normally talked, oh how the great and powerful Twilight crumbles before a crowd, I snickered.

Franky smirked "did you really think it would be that easy?" He then gestured to Yor "meet Yortica the world's deadliest witch, Yortica tear these fools to shreds," I went to laugh again, the idea of Loid trying to take it easy on a drunk Yor as she tried to fight him seemed like a masterpiece waiting to happen, I stood by waiting for Yor to stumble along and start swaying around trying to hit Loid but I was wrong. Sure I knew Yor was strong, sometimes I even wondered if she had some under the table job, like a fight club but I wasn't expecting her drunk to almost land a kick on Loid.

He had ducked just in time to only get grazed by they heal of her boot as Yor's whole era shifted from a bubbly drunk to something bloodthirsty. I made eye contact with Loid as blood dripped down his cheek but only for a sort moment as he was polled back into the fight, blocking every hit that came his way as well as he could against the threat Yor became that is until she slipped on her heel and it snapped causing her to fall. She hit the ground but I was sure she was passed out before she did.

Loid stood and looked over the sleeping Yor before glancing back at me, our eyes both wide as I shrugged. Franky stepped out again as if nothing happened "most impressive performance Loidman and rat but you're not going to get passed me so-" Loid smacked him in the face hard enough to knock him out and he hit the ground hard. Loid stepped over to the table and held out his hand to Anya "I'm here to save you princess Anya," her smile alone could have lit up the whole room as she beamed at Loid.

"Papaaaaaaa," she leapt over and hugged Loid's pants as he looked down at her confused "papa? That breaks continuity," the agents that were asked here for apparently no reason all cheered for Loid as he stood there like a fish out of water. I on the other hand was lifting a passed out Yor over my shoulder to bring her to a couch, I sat down on one end and watched from afar as Anya and Loid seemed to have a sweet moment, the sided of my mouth turning up against my will as I watched, Yor softly snoring next to me.

This might just be the biggest and best mistake of my life.

(AN: hello!! Here's the castle chapter you all have been waiting for, I know that Anime only watchers might be a little underwhelmed and disappointed but as I have said I am following the Manga and that's what the epic anime seen translated to in the manga so I hope you guys still enjoyed ^^)

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