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The lights where off and the clothes that I had changed into where scattered on the floor traded out for clothes I had deemed for pajamas. I had turned the lights out Both to give the illusion I was asleep and because the light was making my head spin more then it already was.

How could I have been so dense? Yor being part of the SSS or having some sort of familial connection to them only made sense. She was skilled well beyond her class and had senses sharper then most, it was uncanny how her mind seemed warped in ways the always lead to bloodshed. I bite my lip as I laid flat on my back staring at the ceiling, my blankets more or less kicked to the floor. I had been waiting for Yuri to leave and Yor to retire but the drunken commotion outside seemed to never end and it wasn't helping my growing headache.

Eventually the lights in the hall switched off and the sound of Yor's soft door closing signaled my action. I slid off my bed and opened the door spotting Loid leaning on his own door arms crossed, he looked up at me and pot a finger to his mouth signaling me to stay quiet as he opened the door to his room and slid in leaving the door open as a sort of invention.

I had been inside of Loid's room on more then one occasion though this was the first time he had given me permission to enter, though it was a weird feeling not needing to pick the lock to the room. It was nothing of real interest, a bed that I don't think Loid had touched in the months we had been in this house, piles of paper and books scattered the floor, a chair sat under the window and seemed to be the only thing that he seemed to use on a day to day basis, a floor lamp sat next to the chair beaming its light straight on to the seat.

All and all it was bland.

Loid turned to face me as I closed the door choosing to lean on the frame of the door. "How much do you trust Yor?" I tilted my head slightly at his question and kept a stone face "you mean after the information Yuri so kindly handed us? Short answer I don't," his eye twitched at my response as he sighed collapsing into his chair. "So you did go through my papers and materials," I shook my head and snorted a bit "haven't we been over this Twilight? Any information I don't know I find," Loid rubbed his face and looked at me from between his fingers.

"So you really think she's with the SSS?" I wanted to say no, everything in me wanted to stand up for her and say she wasn't, that it was all some coincidence and that Yuri had done all the things in his stupid story but it was illogical, and like always, logic drowned out any other background noise in my head "she been trained and is skilled in combat and good senses, even better then yours honestly, she throws out quick excuses without thinking them through, all that being said," I paused and looked Twilight dead in the eye "I don't believe she's working with SSS officers, whatever's she's hiding it has to be way bigger then that," Loid's eyes fell to the floor as he covered his mouth with one hand deep in thought.

After a minute he looked back up at me with knit eyebrows "you have an idea in mind of what she's hiding don't you?" I moved away from the door frame and let my arms hang loose at my sides "a hunch but that's all, nothing based on real evidence but I've seen something similar before," he must have expected me to continue but I merely turned to the door and opened it "all I will say is, you better hope I'm wrong or you might have the worst luck in all of Ostonia," and with that I walked back to my room.

I leaned on the door and slid to the ground, it wasn't a lie, I had seen people who were as skilled as Yor if not more. Assassins, more particularly Assassins from the garden.


Today I felt like wearing the girls uniform, I couldn't tell you why, but that's what I put on after Loid had banged on my door five times, cursed my mother, told me he would buy me a doll if I got up and had finally threatened to dump out my coffee.

When I entered the hallway Anya grabbed the bottom of my dress and looked up at me "was uncle cool?" I thought back to the very little interaction we had that night, the minority of witch he was drinking, I looked back at Anya and ruffled her heir "how about we stay away from Uncle when he's drinking like Mama okay short stack?" She looked at me a bit confused but nodded before stepping away and giving me a salut "you got it Sib," and with that Loid started calling for us, she rushed over to the door holding the straps of her bag as she went.

When we got there Loid was fixing the caller of Yor's shirt as she looked slightly flushed, a smug look crossed my face as I leaned on the wall "kiss already," Yor shook her head aggressively while Loid shot me a glare.

"you can't be serious (Y/n) when will you grow out of this childish behavior," I lifted a brow at him "you mean my personality? Sorry that's stuck with me for life, no growing out of it," his eye twitched "you are being ridicules, we don't have time for your little jokes, we need to leave or you'll miss the bus because you were to busy sleeping to get up with the rest of us," he opened the door and stared out not even checking if the rest of us were following as he did so.

Anya followed without hesitation as she practically tripped over herself trying to catch up. Yor smiled down at me "well good morning (Y/n) you look great today, I'm glad you were willing to try the other uniform, I knew it would look wonderful on you," as she spoke we started to walk together, I looked up at her and smiled my eye catching on the small black device Loid had stuck into the collar of her blouse. Yet I looked past it and met her eyes smiling "good morning, and sorry for making fun of you and Loid, I just like to push his buttons a little," she laughed a bit.

"It's alright, I'm staring to understand how you guys get along and that your little bickering is just how you show the other you care about them, now that I see that I find it lovely how you get along," she was so off the mark it was almost funny but I couldn't straight up tell her that seeing a world class spy get all worked up over a 15ish year old kid was the funniest thing I had ever seen so instead I just smiled.

When we made it outside Loid was standing by the curve where the bus would park, Anya had sat on the curve and was poking at the layer of dirt on the pavement. I gave Loid a look "wow would you look at that the bus is bing here and we're not late," I could see his face going red "that doesn't change the fact your time management skills need improvement, you leave no time for the unexpected and that's going to bite you one day," I rolled my eyes "have we been late for the bus once since the beginning of school, because I slept in?" His face hardened "no," I smiled "then I would say my time management skills are perfectly fine,"

He opened his mouth to continue the discussion but Anya cut him off "the bus," while me and Loid were arguing Yor had moved over to Anya and was helping her dust off the dust she had collected on her clothes and she now stood next to the small girl as she pointed at the bus pulling into our drive. I turned my back to Loid sticking my tongue out at him one last time before trying to get onto the bus. Key work trying but Anya had stopped and looked back at Loid and Yor who know that i really looked at her seemed glum.

"Is something wrong Anaya," Loid's expression changed from agitated to confused, Anya fully turned around and pointed at them "Papa, Mama, you have to get along," they looked at each other confused "but we aren't fighting or anything?" Yor smiled and waved her hands "everything is fine," she then turned around and went back to climbing the bus steps.

Loid looked at me and I shrugged leading him to turn his gaze back to Anya "you just make sure to get along with your classmates," she let out a half hearted 'Kay' and disappeared on the bus. I waved to Yor and followed loid shouting after me "don't do anything too stupid," I promptly ignored him.

I followed Anya onto the bus and sat next to her as she started out the bus window. I perused my lips and looked around trying to think of what to do, so I just placed my hand on her head and smiled when she looked up at me "they'll be fine, don't worry so much," she smiled back and leaned into my side turning the awkward head pat into a side hug.

(AN: Anyone else struggling this month? No okay T^T. I hope you enjoyed a little Anya moment here and there as well as a long talk with Loid that may have given a little to much away but hey if you have theories I'd love to hear them, see you soon ^^)

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