Chapter 3 - What rich feels like

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I definitely deserved the weird glances that came my way after those words exited my mouth. BUT HOLY SHIT WAS THIS SCHOOL BIG.

So basically think of the White House, except it's not white and it's not a house but a school instead. It's also like definitely as tall as the Burj Khalifa if it was 5 stories tall.

Anyways that was just the school part, there's a while separate building for the dorms. I guess now Im staring to understand why the richest go here.

I really hit the jackpot with that application.

And so here I stand, fresh off the train, staring at this beautiful school. Just standing there, my eyes with stars.

I might have been from a big city, but I mainly lived in the suburbs, I have never seen such a big building.

I guess this what rich feels like.

Well I should probably get to the dorms.

I pull on my suitcases, ready to get a move on from my weird staring contest with a building. But they won't budge. Maybe I got weaker over the 4 hour ride.

And so I pull harder, putting all my strength into moving the luggage. Until one ends up moving, just to hit a crack in the sidewalk and fall over.

Of course just my luck.

I groan and crouch to lift it up, I've already mentioned my heaight being not my best suit, but god damn was I weak. I guess studying is not exactly the best sport for gaining muscles.

Not to mention I'm struggling in the middle of the sidewalk surrounded by entering students.

"Oh shit do you need some help?" My eyes follow the sound of the voice, looking up to see a cute blonde boy. His freckles giving him a fairy aura.

"A-ah yes my suitcases are quite heavy."

"Don't worry mate I got you." He picks up the fallen bag, just to drop it immediately.

"What the- did you pack rocks or something??"

I chuckle as we both struggle our way to the dormitories, by the time we reach there, our arms are burning.

"Huh I don't know how I managed to get that into the train when I left."

"Train? Are you from out of Seoul?" The freckled boy asks as we take a seat in the lounge, waiting for my bags to be checked.

"Ah yes I'm from Busan, I'm a new student this year."

"Oh that's cool, I'm actually from Australia, I've been here for a year already though!" He smiles, making it hard for me not to coo at his cuteness.

"I'm Felix, it's nice to meet you!" He continues.

"Oh I'm Jisung, it's nice to meet you too!"

We talk for another 10 minutes or so, before my name gets called and I leave for my dorm. I know It's only been less than an hour since I got here, but I think I've made a friend.


So the schools pretty average sized.

I mean I've seen a lot of building similar to it, it's nothing to crazy.

I gather up my bags and move to the dormitory, if I stay in one spot too long, somebody's going to come up and talk to me.

My looks are a blessing and cruse, the attention received doesn't cope with my shyness well. So I cruise along.

I arrive at the dormitories, which doesn't live up to my expectations. Your telling me I have to live in this building for the next year?

I deserve better than this, but it's whatever.

Maybe I'm just in a sour mood over not being able to finish my favorite movie.

I enter the building to find it's almost completely empty. Honestly looking a little eerie.

I must've gotten here early? Maybe late?

I walk up to the front desk, "uhm hello my name is Lee Minho?"

The lady sitting behind the desk turns to me, an obvious annoyed expression on her face. "You do realize your a little late boy?"

"U-uhm I guess my flight was later than I expected."

"Mhm yeah sure..." She rolls her eyes before typing something into the computer and handing him his dorm key. "Get a move on."

"Uhm thanks heh"

Am I really that late?

I drag along my bags to the elevator, even the elevators were all empty, I swear to god there were so many people outside what happened?

I guess I lost track of time.

The elevator reaches the eighth floor with a ding and i step out, setting off for room 827.

Not even anyone in the halls?

Sighing I arrive at my dorm room and put in the key, praying that the room would be somewhat livable.

I mentally prepare myself.

I'm Lee Minho

I can cook clean and take care of cats.

I can live on my own.

With that in mind I enter the room, greeted with a cute little kitchen and table with two chairs. A nice window by the table, perfect for looking at grass without touching it. Not too bad so far.

I walk deeper into the area, shutting the door behind me. The walls are a nice light gray and it's very homey. Too be honest, the area is nice for one person. Of course it's not anything like my grand mansion, but it could be worse right.

I walk into the bedroom and leave my bags on the side of the door, immediately booking it for the bathroom as I was trying to avoid the plane bathrooms and so i was due for a tinkle time.

Feeling refreshed after doing my business, I go ahead and do my usually nighttime routine and change into a white tee and black sweats, ready for bed.

When I enter the bedroom again, I realize their are two beds and two desks.

I guess they didn't have any single rooms left, so they just gave me a double for myself.

Maybe I should ask them to change in the morning?

Too tired to care or too caring that's it's tiring, I yawn and pull up the covers to roll into bed. I notice the covers were a little hard to lift, like they have something holding them back.

I open my eyes and look into the bed, confused, only to be greeted with a small figure laying in fetal position.

In. My. Bed.


We all know who's in the bed right? 😏😏
Love that both my characters can talk easier in this book

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