Chapter 30 - New hair new tee new year

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My eyes flutter open to a persons hair in my face. Pretty was the first thought that came to my head when I saw those strands.

And you know what pretty means.

It was Minhos hair.

He remained curled around me like his life depended on it. His hands tightly gripping the fabric of my sweatshirt and his face buried deep into my chest.

I smiled for a second. Though the smile was only because Minho trusted me enough to accept me into his world. Otherwise the fury from a few days prior still tugged on my heart.

How dare somebody lay hands on Minho!?

Especially somebody he was supposed to trust!

The anger from that night hadn't seemed to die down for me.

Minhos father caused him so much pain, I can't even imagine how much he hurt in silence over the years.

Even when I first met him, he shielded all emotions through anger and coldness. He lived under the impression he couldn't share feelings.

I want him to never feel that way with me.

I won't let him.

I can't help but also feel shock. I mean I knew Minhos family was rich, but rich was an understatement. It only makes this situation harder in the way he was so disconnected from society.

I still care about him no matter l him and his father's relationship and no matter his wealth. He's still my Minho.

I will make sure he'll never feel that pain again.

So I plant a sweet kiss on his scalp before prying his fingers off me. It was almost impossible with our size difference and the strength of Minhos grip, however I eventually made it out of the bed

Letting out a long yawn with a deep stretch, I quickly tidy myself up in the bathroom before walking to the kitchen. The large Christmas tree was still taking up half the living room of our small apartment, reminding me of the sweet Christmas I was able to spend with Minho and my mother. The perfect memory I will keep with me to the end.

It was New Years Eve today.

After a first Christmas with him, it was time for my first new year with my roommate.

With a goofy smile on my face at the thought, I pull out some pancake batter and chocolate chips.

I was the first one awake in the house and I thought I'd do a favor for the people I care about.


I reach out my hands to pull myself closer to jisungs warmth. It was awfully cold this winter. But I was met with air. In confusion, I slightly open one eye to see the other side of my bed empty.

Ughhhhhh this bitch woke up before me

I rub my eyes and stretch my body as I get up and waddle out the bedroom, hoping to find the younger somewhere around the house. To my luck. I found him in the kitchen.

I immediately wrap my hands around his waist and lean my head on his neck, "Whatcha making Hannie?"

The younger jumps in surprise before giggling and turning around in my arms, "Pancakes! I thought I'd surprised you by cooking for you for once."

Once I see his face, I immediately burst out giggling. He had batter dripping down his cheeks and a bit on his nose. He noticed my eyes and lifted a finger to his face, pulling it away to see the batter. Immediately turning bright red in response.

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