Chapter 22 - Pay the price

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My eyes flutter open to the view of the familiar dorm ceiling as i rustle throw the sheets trying to fight the sleep.

That is until the memories of the night prior come rushing back, my eyes immediately opening fully and the sleep in them gone in a flash.

I kissed him

He kissed me back

Holy shit this might just be number one on the best thing that's ever happened to Lee Minho list.

But this is good right? Then what is this overwhelming feeling in my chest, it's something I've never expierence in the 17 years of my life. It's like something is moving in my stomach and I feel so happyily nervous.

Are these what they call 'butterflies?'

The wave of panic hits and I look over on jisungs side of the room, he wasn't there. The bathroom light was on so I'm assuming that's where he was.

I rush to grab my phone off the nightstand and immediately dial the number of the only person I could think of...


"Yah don't be so loud... break just started and I'm packing for Australia what do you want?" The boy mumbles in a sleepy voice.

"We kissed."

"WHAT!?" There was no trace of tiredness in his voice now, I almost had to pull the phone away from his ear to prevent going deaf.


"Hyung I don't know what to do..." I cut off his panicking, "We just kissed. Well we kinda did more than that..."

"WHAT THE HELL!???"  Chan loudly gasps, "Don't tell me y'all actually... you know..."

My face warms up, "What no hyung get your head out the gutter," I quickly reply, "We just kinda made out, besides I wouldn't do that to him yet."

"Yet..." The older teases

If Chan was in the room with me and not just on the phone, I would've probably punched him right about now.

"S-shut up. I just meant that he's only 16 and I don't want to do anything he'll regret." I try to act cool with my reasoning through my voice, but my bright red face contradicts.

With a sigh I continue, "Well he was really tired and so he just fell asleep after and so I did too..."

"So you guys haven't talked about it yet? Where is he now?" Chan's voice becomes serious, his hyung mode on.

"H-he's in the bathroom."

"Okay Minho listen..." He takes a deep breath, "Did you like it, the kiss I mean?"

I don't think long about that, immediately saying a "yes"

"Does jisung make you happy?"

"Y-yeah maybe..."

"Do you think he is cute?"

"Oh his cheeks!" I can feel my eyes turning into hearts, "Definitely."

"Do you think he wants to kiss you again?"

And that's when I ponder.

What if he doesn't want to kiss me again?

What if this was a onetime thing?

"I think I do... but what about him? I-I haven't really been the best roommate. Last night was the first time I ever did something for him, he probably thinks I'm playing him because I'm rude and I suddenly switched up." My voice shakes through the rant.

"Minho..." His voice soft. Somehow Chan always knew what to say even though his love life was non exsistent for the past 3 years, "You never know until you talk to him."


Fuck fuck fuck

My grip on the bathroom vanity tightens, knuckles turning white as the memories of the previous night cirlce my mind.

Why did I do that?

I truly fucked up everything right?

I thought we weren't even friends.


And I kissed him.

What if he goes back to hating me?

I came here to stud and I should put all my focus to it. This is all distracting me. I didn't come here to kiss boys.

I'm better than that.

Minhos better than that.

I worked so hard to get here and I'm not going to ruin his or my chances.

But it's hard to think that way all the time.

It's just... I've never gone this long without having another "incident."

I haven't fainted since the time Minho helped me.

This is the best my healths ever been.

Really it's all thanks to him.

He always cooks for me and makes sure I sleep, he cares for me. Even though I never gave him a reason too.

Maybe it was out of pity?

But the drawings.

I remember the strange warm feeling in my stomach when I first opened his sketch book and found them. Sure it felt a little creepy, but he was so happy when he drew.

It made me happy to know I was making him happy.

I tried to ignore it all.

I never mentioned it to him.

But the feeling I felt when he gave me that painting, one that looked like it took hours and was so perfect. The feeling when he wanted to celebrate my birthday, when he put all that effort in for me.

That feeling.

I just couldn't stop myself.

My phone buzzes in my pocket bringing me back to reality

Mommy Han

> You two ready? The train will get there in a few hours. I'll come pick you up when you arrive in busan.
> Excited to meet your roommate🤭
> Love you baby

I loudly groan, probably loud enough for Minho in the other room to hear. Like this situation could get any worse, he's going to meet my mom.

What if he doesn't want to come anymore?

My mom will be so disappointed.

I should really think before doing things like that.  Now I have to pay the price don't I?

This is all my fault.

But I have to bring this boy to busan with me.

I have to swallow whatever the hell is going on in my heart and brain. My mother wants to meet him, and so she will.

I take a deep breath before putting my hand on the bathroom door knob, ready to face the boy even if it means things will never be the same.

My life is so busy rn I'm sorry everyone for not updating.

But I'm probably gonna be updating late like this more often.

I just moved so that's been hectic plus school is hell. But I'm trying gang


Hope you enjoyed!

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