Chapter 39 - Stuck with you

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I couldn't help but let the tears run loose when the trial ended. The guilt was still eating me alive. I couldn't stop myself from thinking I could've fixed that man.

But I knew I couldn't.

He had become a monster and I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't let the family break even more.

The moment I found the strength to lift myself off the seat, a small figure was already clinging to my side.

"We did it babe! We did it!" Jisung kept muttering into my shirt. I sniffe and turn to hold him tightly. Everything was going to be okay now. I could live my life with the person I loved.

My dad was going to be locked away.

"I-I love you hannie." I say quietly as my mouth tastes the tears streaming down my cheeks. I could even count how many times I have said, and felt the need to say, that phrase.

Jisung lifts his head with tears also covering his cheeks, "I love you too hyung."

Both of us smiled widely as we held eachothers hands out the door. Most of the jury had left and the cameras were cut so it almost felt like a weight had been lifted off of me.

Ms. Han stood at her seat and watched us with a smile. As soon as Jisung caught her eye, he ran to her with his arms stretched out. I almost giggled at his cuteness when I went over to the now hugging mother and son.

"I'm so proud of you honey." His mother whispers while patting his hair. Jisung must've been really stressed about the trial. I mean he is the reason we even got to this point. He's the one who found out first and wanted to help.

Imagine I told my secret to somebody else. Imagine they thought I was weak for letting my dad get to me. I'm so glad I have my boyfriend. I think it's a indescribable feeling to have someone who you don't have to be scared to talk to or scared they are going to judge you.

"You too Minho." I look up at my name to see Ms. Hans other hand outstretched, "I'm so proud of you hun."

I let out a choked sob as I wrapped my arms around them and joined the hug. Hearing those words from jisung and his mother make me almost pity myself for feeling like I never would hear them. This family was a blessing.

"We love you so much Minho. Your so strong for enduring this and now we can finally put it behind us." Ms. Han rubs my back gently as jisung follows suit.

"T-thank you." I quietly say through sobs, my face in my hands. I don't know how long the three of us stood there crying for, but eventually my tears ran out.

The two hans each had an arm around me as we walked out of the room. It almost felt like I had a real family. They have been closer to me than any of my real family was.

And then I saw her waiting outside the door. The moment we met eyes, I could see hers well up with tears. "M-Minho."

I almost didn't know how to react with my step mother standing in front of me. She had been part of the family for so long. She watched me grow up and watched the way I was messed up in the brain. I never resented her for it, I always knew she just wanted to keep my father pleased.

I never blamed her for not treating me like her son. I wasn't. She and I knew that. From the moment she sat down at our dinner table all those years back, we both knew she wasn't going to be my mother.

She was going to be my dads wife.

But today, I saw a part of her I never expected to see. She was vurnable, and she stood up against him. In a way, she was victim too, of course to the abuse, but as well as being in a position where she felt like she was stuck.

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