Chapter 26 - Accepting

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A lump forms in my throat.

The smile on my face slowly diminishing.

"What's there to talk about?" I chuckle, our skates slowly coming to a stop as Minhos larger body slows my momentum.

This was the conversation I was dreading. I didn't want to accept the change in our lives. I was afraid of the rejection. The humiliation that I let this get to me.

But the older seems persistent.

"Han-ah please." His eyes look glassy, wanting answers as he tried to find mine. The snow fallling around us only becoming heavier.

For a moment it felt like we were under the ice, frozen in words we wanted to say. Trapped by our clashing lives.

"I'm sorry."

I can't think of anything else to say. I took his kindness for something else. I was too happy for my wellbeing. I ruined what we had.

A tear slips down his cheek, "Y-You didn't like it?" His voice cracks, eyes still locked with mine.

My heart wants to shatter.

The world feels like it's slowing down, the same speed of the tear sliding down his cheek. Everything fading into the background.

My chest feels tight.

I made him cry

I've never seen him cry.

He's supposed to be the strong one. Someone I could rely on.

How could I do this to him?

The words he said slowly process in my brain following the guilt and panic. Confusion.

"D-do you not feel the same way?" Minhos voice still sounding small. He was falling apart. The quiver in his voice and the quick rising and falling of his chest making it apparent. "I gave you that gift and y-you didn't like it right.."

He was at his breaking point.

"I just want to know..." His legs finally give out, dropping to the ice, pulling me down with him. "I'm sorry I-I made you uncomfortable." He hiccups.

The pain was overwhelming. Crushing even. To see him so vulnerable this way. He was sorry. Apologizing unecessarily.

He's the same ignorant Lee Minho I met months ago, only that his shell had broken. He was nothing more than a regular human who felt pain like we all have.

I made him hurt.

I realize it now.

My hands slid up his face, lifting it to meet his eyes. Tears only slip out faster from the older, his face red from the cold.

"I'm so so s-sorry hyung."

His tears only increase as I wipe them away with the pad of my thumbs. I pull him close into my arms, letting him sob onto my jacket.

"I never wanted you t-to hurt. You're everything to me hyung. I never wanted it to be like this."The words fall off my tongue naturally, unexpectedly. Like my true feelings were being exposed, even the ones I hadn't acknowledged.

I like Lee Minho.


He brings me joy.

The radiating feeling that spreads through my body everytime I see him was no coincidence. It's only him.

He's making me feel that way.

"It wasn't a mistake h-hyung." His face slowly lifts off my shoulder, his sniffles calming down. "The kiss wasn't a mistake." His red puffy eyes extra wide. Like he's been waiting for these words to be said.

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