Chapter 6 - First class

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"Wah the water pressure in this room is great!" I turn to fix my hair in the mirror, still thinking about the great shower I just had.

After styling my hair like I want it, I do some quick and final skincare before finally existing the bathroom.

Then I suddenly remember the screaming boy outside my bathroom just moments before. I total forgot about hurrying up to give him a turn.

I'm not exactly used to sharing a space with somebody.

But when I walk out, the boy is nowhere to be seen.

Did he just leave without washing up?


Well not only is my roommate annoying but also unhygienic, why did I have to get stuck with him?

Anyways, my first class starts soon and so I gather up my things, pile them up into my backpack.

Soon enough I'm out the door, walking to my first class, that being Art. One of my favorites.

That's why I signed up for the earliest one because I knew there would be no class I would wake up this early for other than art or dance, but my bodies to weak to dance in the morning so art it is.

I have my main character moment as I stroll down the street to the main building. AirPods in, vibes up. Even though im surrounded by hundreds, something I don't really enjoy.

But I'm finally feeling good about moving here.

Maybe it was something to do with that showers water pressure that makes me wanna stay.

Anyways, after a short 'being lost' session, I arrive at the art room. Let me tell this place was god damn massive.

That's a lot coming from a rich one like myself.

There were skylights lining the ceilings, all kinds of supplies across the back wall, tables, eisles, podiums for posing, you damn name it and it's in this room.

This is a very woohoo moment for me.

So I pull my bag off a take a seat on one of the seats infront of the teachers', where most of the lessons will take place. I get settled, not expecting anyone to sit next to me among the vast choice of seating, but just my luck.

A dark brunette slides into the seat next to me, placing his bag next to him and getting settled. Im sure he can feel my eyes on him because he suddenly turns my way.

"Hi Minho it's nice to meet you, I'm chan!" The bubbly boy holds his hand out, smiling ear to ear.

Im not really good at introductions like this, kind of feels like I'm back in Busan with some buisness partner my dad invited over.

I just take his hand and don't say anything else. Holding my breath as we touch, the sensation is not exactly one I enjoy.

For a moment we both sit there, waiting for the professor to start, until I realize something.

"H-how did you know my name?"

This is the second time this happened since I got here..??

"Oh your quite handsome Minho!"

"..." The confusion on my face very apparent.

"A lot of people have been talking about you being the handsomest new junior! And I just remembered your name and wanted to be friends! So I'm Chan, I'm from Australia and I'm senior!"



Maybe it's time for a change.

"Y-yeah... hi Chan." I nervously wave to the boy, not exactly sure what to say or do.

"Aww you look so stone cold from afar, but your so baby when you talk." His eyes glitter as he coos over me.

Just then the teacher starts explaining a intro project for us to start with. Drawing
the person next you.

So Chan and I get right to work. In the few moments I've known the older, I've started to take in a few of his features. His rectangular face, eyes the drop down on the ends and a wider nose bridge.

Chan, being a social butterfly, asked many questions in the small period of sketching time.

"Where you from?"

"Arr you excited for the year?"

"What's your favorite color?"

"What do you think of the school?"

"Apple juice or orange juice?"

All of which I reply in small one word answers. I'm not exactly over the shyness yet.

Chan seems to take a hand stretching break and pulls out his gatorade bottle, grabbing it by its cap.

Of course this being a recipe for disaster.

The cap, not being screwed on properly, pulls off the bottle, causing the Gatorade inside to spill onto the floor.

"Mr. bang!" The teachers voice booms across the hall, "I'll have to call the janitor to clean it up. Watch it next time boy!"

"Sorry sir!"

I look up from my drawing to find the boy next to me turning a shade of light pink.

"H-hey Chan it's okay that you spilled your water, it happens." I try to comfort the boy as he looks embarrassed, something I don't do often.

"I-it's not about the water it's-"

Chan stops as the door opens to reveal a small dimpled boy with fluffy hair and braces, dragging along a small cart behind him.

"Chan?" I wave a hand infront of his eyes, but he's too far gone.

The boy walks over the us and bows politely before beginning to mop up the gatorade, making sure the floor doesn't remain sticky.

All while Chan stares at him, occasionally blinking, but after very long intervals.

A sudden "Excuse me.." snaps him out of his trance, the cute boy smiles, showing off his dimples.

"You dropped this," The boy examines the sketch for a moment, "Woah your really good at drawing." He hands Chan his sketch, slightly brushing his hand which turns the older an even deeper red.

The boy leaves as fast as he came, off to do probably more cleaning, but god damn is Chan whipped.

I clear my throat, "So who's he?"

"Oh my god Minho, I haven't seen him since last year." He abruptly turns to look at me, "Did you see his dimples ahhhh!!!" He squeals thinking about their interaction.

"And he even said I was a good drawer."

He could probably sense my confusion because he speaks up again, "Oh I forgot your new Minho, that's Jeongin, he's the main janitor of the schools son. I've been admiring him since I was a freshman. You think he could tell my hearts exploding?"

"Ah you were pretty obvious heh."

We finish off our sketches, Chan still squealing over the smiley boy. Right before I hand in my paper, I make sure I sign it like all my art works.

Lee know.

And just like that, my first ever class at Seoul Scholars Academy comes to an end.

And I think, I know this sounds crazy...

But I think I made a friend.

A friend who's whipped for the janitors son.

I feel like not much happened in this chapter but it was the same length as my others. Writing getting a little too easy for me guys 🥱🥱🥱

Jkjk hope you enjoyed!

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