Chapter 15 - Missed me

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My father drank every night I was there.

The maids said something about how he lost an important partnership. That's why I was invited to join him at meetings and hopefully convince other partnerships?

I don't really know his way of thinking.

I guess he wanted to come off as a good dad because he raised a smart and handsome 17 year old. Was this exploitation?

He used the excuse of, "these connections will be important to you in the future." Like what is that supposed to mean? Half these dudes look like theyll be six feet under by the time I graduate anyway.

During the day he was fine, we spent most of the days together and it was kind of fun. I've never been away from home for this much time so it was nice to catch up. And even when I lived here, he was too busy to talk most of the time. It was great.

I felt comfortable and less shy.

That is until dinner came and we all had to continuously make sure he wasn't angry.

Because if he was, a new bruise would be on someone's lip.

He only got to me twice in the 5 days I was there. One being on the last day, the night before I left.

The whole day he was talking about how he was going to miss me and that I was doing great living away so far. It fueled my ego to be honest.

But that night, he asked me about jisung again.

I had previously told him about Hyunjin, apparently his parents and my father were acquaintances and he was proud of me for getting along with him. He was happy. I just wish I could help him stay like that and not resort to alcohol when stressed.

My real father wanted me to have friends.

But this version didn't.

He asked me to describe jisung. And so I did.

I told him about how his face is so captivating and that i always wanted to draw him. His cheeks resembled a squirrel and his tiny figure but fierce words were so funny.

Everything just kept coming out of my mouth at this point. I guess I had gotten too comfortable with my thoughts.

I told him how he studied so hard to get into this school and he's just trying his best and sometimes forgets to eat so I help him out and hes really annoying but I can't help but think of him as cute and-

My lip was bleeding by the end of the night.

It left a nasty bruise that I tried my best to cover up before I boarded the flight back home. I was sad but some part of me was happy to be leaving behind the mansion.

These few months made me realize maybe I took my father for granted. This whole luxury life of mine for granted.

But I guess this visit put me in my place.

I remembered why I was okay with leaving.

Though I was excited to go back, I wasnt sure how I was going to face a certain someone.

I've become used to problems at home but this was something I didn't exactly know how to deal with.

All I know is I can't stop.

I can't stop caring about him.

I open the door with a click, the all familiar click that all dorm doors make. My suitcase rolling behind me as I step into the room and breathe in the air I had become accustomed to.

The first thing I notice is cups all over the kitchen counters, instant ramen cups. I pick one up with two fingers and hold it away from my face.

Is this all he's been eating?

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