Epilogue/10k special - You're my home

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"Aish finally its spring break! I thought it would never come!" Jisung stretches his arms and lets out a long yawn as he stands in front of his half full suitcase.

"Love I told you to not stay up for the test yesterday! Are you tired?" I stop folding clothes and walk up to jisung, placing a hand on his forehead to see if maybe he had gotten a temperature.

Jisung giggles and swats my hand away, "It's okay hyung, I'll sleep on the train. I feel fine."

I sigh and pull away from the younger to go back to packing my suitcase. I knew Jisung overworks himself too much, I hope he can unwind this week.

I didn't even notice the figure walk up behind me until I felt a pair of lips press on my cheek for a second. I could feel myself turn a light red as I turn my head to see jisung smiling, "Sorry I made you worry hyung."

"I-it's okay..." I quickly revert my gaze back to the clothes, focusing on trying to hide my flustered self. Jisung starts loudly laughing before walking away.

Just then a knock sounds from the dorms door.. I could feel my heart drop as the familiarity hits. I immediately turn around when I see Jisung beginning to walk toward the door.

"H-Han-ah don't answer..." I reach out my hand. Memories flash in my brain. I couldn't surpress the fear that rose inside me.

Jisung turns around confused as he tilts his head. I quickly run up next to him and open the door myself, making sure my boyfriend was behind me.

My heart was beating in my ears, I was half expecting another man with a knife to be on the other side of the door. But it was just Chan and Jeongin.

Literally the least threatening people...

"Babe are you okay?" Jisung places a hand on my back, looking for my eyes, worried. I hadn't realized how panicked I seemed.

I finally breathe normal, "yeah... yeah I'm fine."

"Uh?" Chan speaks up from the doorway, earning our attention again. "Did we come at bad time?"

Jeongin nudges Chan side, "don't be rude.." He looks back at us and holds out a container, "We brought you some cupcakes! Give some to Ms. Han too!"

Jeongins smile was so bright, jisung and I almost had to cover our eyes. He was quite the precious one huh? Jisung lets out a giggle before accepting the cupcakes. "Thank you Jeonginnie! I'll make sure she gets some!"

Chan smiles at the two before looking back at me, "I'm glad everything worked out min." He pats my shoulder as I sheepishly smile.

"Thank you for being there for me in the hospital hyung." I bring him in for a side hug and he ruffles my hair.

"You sure have gotten softer after getting cuffed?"

"It's the boyfriend effect."

By now, Jeongin and jisung had sat down at the small kitchen table and were chatting away. The two of them getting along really well. Not to mention their cuteness was enough to power a village.

I pat Chan's chest to get his attention, "any plans for finally asking him?" I whisper in his ear, turning to make sure the younger boys don't hear.

Chan backs away a smiles playfully, "I'm seeing his family tommorow. I'm planning on asking there."

My lips curve up into a smile. Finally, after my hard work in getting them together, they were going to be official. Chan will finally be able to be with the janitor boy he's been crushing on for years.

"I think his mom already likes me," Chan continues to whisper in my ear, "Hyunjin always says that smiles at me in the halls. Once I even helped her when she dropped a few cleaning supplies, do you think that won her over?"

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