Chapter 7 - Squirrel

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"Aish how do I already have so much work assigned even though it's the first day!"

"Welcome to Seoul scholars I guess.." Felix takes a bite of his food, bags still apparent under his eyes. Guess it wasn't the best night for him.

They are now seated at the main cafeteria of the school, half of their classes still remain yet it feels like a full day has already passed.

This school was no damn joke.

"Felix you don't look so good." Seungmin takes a seat at our table, placing his tray gently yet aggressively at the same time.

"Yeah man still jet lagged, plus the Fortnite session yesterday was so fire."

"You really shouldn't have access to that game."


They shake their head unanimously over the boys addiction.

"Jet lag?" I question, entering myself into their conversation.

"Ah yes I mentioned I'm from australia right? I was there for the summer so I just flew back!" Felix smiles, making my insides warm up.

I must say the boys an actual fairy. His slim nose, freckles, plump lips. The man's majestic. His smile would make anyone blush, regardless of sexuality.

"Anyways Seungmin-ah, is your roommate situation doing any better?"

"Don't get me started...."

The boy adds suspense with the pause, me and Felix almost leaning in to hear the drama.

"He has perfect abs."


"Come again?"

"He sleeps without a shirt, and his abs are perfect."

We both stare at the dandy boy for a long moment, "Seungmin-ah I thought you hate your roommate?"

"I do"

Felix pinches his nose bridge in annoyance, shaking his head back and fourth while I catch a glimpse of his watch.

It's a Rolex

Suddenly I become more aware of my new friends. Seungmins shirt with channel written across it and Felix's sunglasses from luxury brands.

I forgot how rich this school is.

I begin to zone out of the conversation, thinking about my place here when my eyes drift off.

I find myself staring at a table towards the back of the cafeteria, a familiar face seated there. I could've sworn he was looking at me before I looked his way.


He sits alone, a pen in hand as he seems to be sketching in his notebook. His face stone cold, no emotion. He doesn't look very approachable and quite shy, yet his personality with his ego are crazy.

Wait why am I even reading so deep into this?

Just when I'm about to look away and re enter this conversation about abs, I see a group of girls surround Minho. They obviously try to flirt with him, they lean on the tables attempting to look sexy but honestly look kind of stupid from my angle.

Their luxury bags in the crook of their elbows, each one of them wearing clothes obviously worth a pretty penny. Yet they still bother my roommate like that. Some even going as far as touching the boys shoulder or hair.

Holy shit this is getting weird...

I mean his looks were bound to attract some people, but this was just weird. The poor dude was just sketching and eating his lunch. What the hell happened?

Some part of me wants to get up and go over there, but my company would just make it worse. He already hates me.

One the girls caresses his arm like a weirdo and the boy snaps. He pushes her arm away and roughly shoved through the group and out the cafeteria doors.

I feel bad for the poor guy, honestly. This school was rich but also weird. Who gave those girls the right to touch him?

I huff, trying to calm myself down as I gulp down the remaining food in my tray. Mentally preparing myself for more classes.


"Ugh!!" I flop myself face first onto my bed, causing the older boy across the room to look up from his phone before clicking his tongue at my dramaticness.

It was only the first day and I am so fricking tired! The classes here are no joke, it's like the Ivy League of high schools. I guess once I get into the schools flow things will get better.

Atleast I hope.

And that usually means it won't.

I flip myself over and sit up on my knees. Looking at the older straight on. "Minho."

He looks up for a moment and we lock eyes, he simply hums in response. For a second there, the deep black holes of his beautiful eyes almost suck me in. Good thing they aren't real black holes.

I snap out of it once I realize I left the boy hanging, "H-how was your day?" I stutter out, not exactly sure what I wanted to say to him.

He rolls his eyes before reverting his attention to his phone, obviously not wanting to talk to me. I still pry though, "Your uh... quite popular huh?"

With that, the boy simply gets up and walks to the bathroom, completely ignoring me.


What did I do to deserve getting stuck with him?

I look up at the ceiling, that was blocking the view of the sky. I cross my legs and put my hands together, praying at the ceiling. "Whoever's out there... why did you have to give me such a rude ass!?"

The gods don't respond to my complaints even when I stare at the ceiling for a solid 3 minutes.

A sudden grumble interrupts the moment.

I must be hungry.

I pull my hands away from eachother and uncross my legs, pushing myself off the bed to go to the kitchen.

Minho had bought loads of groceries and dishes, but I had picked out a few flavours of instant ramen instead.

I'm not exactly a cooker you know?

I quickly boil some water and pour it into the noodle cup, using the top flap as the lid. Soon enough my deluxe luxury meal is made.

And I get right to eating.

I'm not the best with keeping track of time, sometimes I'm so busy that eating is the last thing on my mind.

After all, that mindset is what led me to this school. Even if it wasn't a healthy one.

I munch away at my noodles eagerly when the older walks into the room. He probably wants to cook something for himself.

I keep my head low and continue to eat my noodles. I haven't ate much today and so I was really hungry.

"Do you always eat like that?"

The voice catches me off guard, I've only heard the voice a few times since I've moved in. I lift my head up to see the boy standing by the other side of the table, staring at me.

"L-like what?" My voice muffled because of my cheeks full with food.

"Like a.... cute squirrel."

I might have made a few mistakes in the previous chapters hehe.
Promise I'm fixing those up
Hope you enjoyed!

Stuck With You - MinsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora