Chapter 11 - Going soft!?

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Alright so...

What tf is wrong with me?

Have I really changed this much in mere weeks?

It started with the boy simply roaming my thoughts, but then it became a matter of actually caring. Yes you read that right CARING.

Me and caring in the same sentence don't work, unless it's preceded by a not.

Is this what it means to go soft?

I rarely break character. 'Minho' as most know it is someone that doesn't hurt. That's how you become powerful. Never show your emotions.

It's something my father taught me from the very beginning.

If I stay in this shell, I won't get hurt. But why, after all these years of living, does the shell now start to crumble.

It started with Chan, the boy who sat next me in art, the one who was genuinely interested in me. Then it was Jisung, my annoying roommate whose somehow found a way to make me CARE about him.

Ugh I can gag just thinking about it.

Since when did Minho ever care about anything?

Was this boy magic or something? Did he put some kind of spell on me? What about him has me like this? Is it his beautiful singing voice or the way his tongue sticks out when he studies, maybe it's his cheeks when he eating or the-

"Minho-ah?" A hand is waved in front of my face, removing me from my out of control thoughts.

Chan sits by me with a smile. His cute dimples contrasting his hot vibes. "You've been spacing out min, everything alright?"

And that's also gonna take some getting used to.

I've never had someone care so much about me the way Chan does. Not even my father, he was more a mentor to get me to grow into a buisness man. But Chan. He genuinely cares.

That's what makes my shell break.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I put my head down to look back at my infamous sketch book. My escape, something it had been for a long time. It's almost like a diary with the number of secrets it holds.

"Actually..." Chan begins with a soft tone, "I was thinking you join me at lunch today."

My head shoots up, "w-what?"

Something that hasn't changed since the beginning of school is my seat at lunch. It remains in the back corner, away from any threats.

"Yeah well I was talking about you to my friend and he said he wanted to meet you."

"Me? Meet your f-friend?" I stutter out, so dumbfounded by this whole idea.

"Listen." He puts a hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to if you don't want to, but I think you'll fit right in. And I promise it's just the three of us."

The care in his eyes is so comforting. Like the warmth you feel when your grandma gives you another serving and tells you to eat up. Like a warm Sunday spent reading while soft rain patters at your window. The cozy feeling simply from his gaze.

His offer is so tempting, but I know I can't possibly make another friend. Sure Chan was a small exception and he did kind of forced his way into my life. But another friend by choice? Nope uh uh nada.

So how did I find myself here? Walking next to Chan as he leads me through the cafeteria to his table. Winding through hundred of people while trying to keep my tray steady. Not the ideal situation.

Chan puts his hand up, "Hyunjin-ah!" He calls out while waving toward a table directly in the middle of the cafeteria

This is getting a little too real.

Stuck With You - MinsungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant