Chapter 35 - Helpless

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Minho and I spent the day together at the dorm. Just the way he wanted. We finally finished the drama we were watching and a few tears were shed, mainly from me but I know for a fact Minho was secretly crying under the blankets. We smply enjoyed eachother company, just like we always did. Together.

Minho had a hard time walking so he was taking the week off from classes. I promised him I would spend more time with him than on my school work, but you know how hard this school was.

I was still dependent on that scholarship, no matter how Minho said he could buy me in. After all, i didn't want to use any of his money. Of course because I loved him and don't want him spoiling me, but also because that money was not his.

It was his fathers.

The very father I was trying to send to jail.

To say I had a resentment toward that certain someone was an understatement. I only met the man once but I could not think of anyone I despise more.

I could tell Minho was heartbroken from everything. Something inside me knew he loved his father yet resented and was afraid of him. That's the figure he had become in his life.

I wasn't trying to tear him away from the only family he had left, I was trying to help him. Anyone could see his father was a toxic and horrible person. He was committing crimes, using his power to hide them.

Soon enough, Minho fell asleep calmly with his arm wrapped around my body. We were watching some random ass movie and I guess he was tired. As much as I wanted to stay like this forever, I couldn't, and I had to pry his arm off me to get out of my bed.

The first thing I did was call Felix.

The boy already knew what was happening and I had hatched a plan. I also called seungmin and hyunjin to the dorm. It was a good time since my boyfriend was asleep.

Hyunjin was well connected, his family was very powerful so he could probably help dig up some dirt on Mr Lee as well as pressure the police into investigating more thoroughly.

I mean the power you have the more the police care, it's the harsh reality.

Seungmin was incredibly smart. He was even planning on becoming a lawyer later on. After getting the CEO arrested, he would be a great way to keep him in jail after trials, along with Hyunjins top lawyers as well.

And finally, Felix. The man who met his boyfriend on Fortnite, don't think I forgot about that. He was very much involved in the media. His screen time was probably triple digits and he had lots of online connections.

I didn't doubt Minho when he said his dad was powerful. His teams could probably shut down any rumors of abuse. Maybe even bribe the police into despising evidence, completely avoiding the arrest. But one thing they couldn't do, is stop the public.

Felix would be our way to expose Lee corporations ceo online. He would get the public mad, making the police forced to listen even more so than with Hyunjins family's influence.

It was the perfect group, no?

My dreams of being an evil mastermind were coming true, without the evil part of course.

Before I could continue my inner monologue, there was a knock on dorm room door. It must be Felix.

I walk to the door, hoping the sound of the knock hadn't wokened my boyfriend. But when I swing it open, it wasn't Felix.

In fact there was nobody.

"What the hell?" I stood there for a second confused, was somebody really ding dong ditching at this hour? I though this hall was nice... I thought it was atleast better than seungmin and Hyunjins hall... Guess I was wrong?

I huff in disappointment and I take a step out the doorway into the hall, turning my head side to side searching for the culprit. However I wasn't expecting somebody to actually be there.

"Yah who are you?" I squint my eyes at the dark sillhoute down the hall, I had left my glasses inside when I was putting Minho to sleep. But i could definitely see enough to make out somebody at the end of the hall.

A chill runs down my spine as the figure stands there, ominously. Nobody else was in this hall, what was he doing out here? I slowly approach the figure, trying to get a better look. Maybe that wasn't the best idea?

In a flash, the man bolts toward me. Before I could panic or run, a hand was covering my mouth, muffling my screams.

The man was large, much larger than me, there was no escaping his grip. The pressure on my chest was intense, my eyes wide in fear. It hadn't registered in my head what was happening. My head was spinning from the suddenness.

I try to pull away but the man held me firm, I tried to ask again who he was, but my voice was muffled by his hand. I was helpless.

The man didn't speak, not a single word as the hallway was once again silent.

Until I hear my name.


My panicked eyes look toward the open door, the one to mine and Minhos dorm. The light from the doorway was the only real light in the hall besides from the dim moon in the windows at the end of it.

I know the man heard it too.

Instead of backing away and kidnapping me, he hesitated for a moment. A moment where fear was blocking my brain, stopping me from thinking straight as I writh around in his arms.

Minhos awake


no no. please no.

"Love?" I could hear his voice getting closer. Along with the fact the man holding me was moving closer to the open door to our dorm. I try to kick and scream, but there was nothing I could do.

Eventually we were standing right infront of the door. It was still wide open and I heard the noise of Minho walking through the dorm and noticing it

The moment he walks into view, his expression drops along with his jaw, "H-Han-ah?"

He looked like he had seen a ghost, he was completely pale like his worst nightmare was coming true. I feel a cold metal slide up my neck. A knife.

The man holds me and point a a knife at my throat, and he finally speaks. "You don't want him to die do you?"

Minho seemed frozen, a small tear in the corner of his eye as he slowly switches his gaze from the knife to the man's eyes. "W-what?"

He tried to reach out for me but the man held the knife closer to my neck, "Do you want him to die?"

Minho looks broken, like he's about to faint or throw up, "M-my dad... sent y-you didn't he?"

He doesn't respond, only tightening his grip on me. I try to calm down Minho with my eyes but I was just as scared as he was. He had a knife. He could kill me and Minho. I just couldn't hide the fear in my eyes.

"Let him go." Minhos voice was surprisingly strong, nothing left of the quiver he spoke in before. His eyes went from fear to anger, the silence from the perpetrator had only confirmed his theory.

"I'll let him go if you promise to never see him again." The man calmly says, tears begin to drip down my cheeks as the blade gets dangerously close to breaking through the skin.

"Let. Him. Fucking. Go."

Climax 🫣

Happy three years to my pooks🤭🤭

I'm in love w Niki's voice this comeback. I've never heard him sing that well his vocals are improving so much and his range is beautiful.

I'm a simp

Hope you enjoyed!

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