Chapter 14 - Consequences

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TW: Abuse - skip the second part of the chapter

Shit shit shit.



My voice echos through the empty dorm. The name bouncing off the walls only to come back into my ears to remind me of the shit im in.


Still nothing.

Adrenaline hits me hard and I probably run around the tiny dorm ten times over. Searching as if the boy would be hiding behind a shelf or something.

But no, he's really gone.

Most of the boys clothes were gone from our shared room. His shoes and other personal belongings also gone.

Was he not coming back?

Is that why he had a suitcase?

Did I just drive my roommate out of town?

Fuck that Hyunjin boy and his disgusting filthy horrendous horrible no good mouth. He caused all this.

I'm sure seungmin likes that mouth though.

I flop onto my bed when things really start to set in. There was going to be no boy in the bed across the room. I was going to be alone tonight.

I feel a sudden urge to let the dam that is my tears open. But I knew if I let it happen, they wouldn't stop.

I take a deep breath trying to subside the panic.

He probably hates me now.

I made him leave.

What the hell is wrong with you jisung!?

I hit my head at my stupidity. How could I possibly let this happen? Minho didn't deserve to hear all that, sure he was a jerk but something irks me at the fact he thinks I hate him.

I bury my face and groan into the sheets trying to forget this eventful day. Everything from the Seungmin getting laid before me to my roommate leaving me.

Now that I say it out loud, it sounds pretty bad.

I find myself awake hours later, judging by the darkness through the window, not even realizing I had fallen asleep.

My stomach grumbles loudly and everything that went down floods my mind once more. Reminding me of all my mistakes.

My stomach continues to grumble, filling the unnatural silence of the dorm.

Minho would've cooked for me.

He would've made sure I slept at the right time too.

I rise like a dead corpse, drenched in my own sweat, maybe tears? I had been asleep for god knows how long. My textbooks lying open, waiting to be read and studied over and over again.

Clothes scattered on the floor, it was Minhos day for laundry.

Dishes sitting dirty in the sink, Minho would usually clean up after dinner.

The other bed in the room is empty, Minho would usually sleep there.

Minho. Minho. Minho.



Here I am.

After just a couple months at Seoul Scholars, I find myself not missing this place at all.

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