Chapter 5 - Why tf is he still here

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I slowly step into my dorm room, calling out to see if anyone was inside. I wasn't exactly sure what happened to my roommate, whether he was staying or not.

After I left the coffee shop with Felix and Seungmin, I had to go on a campus tour and this campus is damn huge. By the time the tour ended, the sun was setting. And so I hadn't been back to my dorm all day until now, hoping to not face the grumpster.

"Minho?" I call out once more, slipping off my shoes and wandering past the kitchen, aiming for our room.

After hearing no response I assumed the best, my roomie was gone. I was going to live without that moody brat who showed up calling me a stalker, the one who disturbed the minimal sleep I get. What a miracle!

Until I see him, sitting on his bed, scrolling on his phone. Only when my foot lands on a creaky floorboard does he look up for a moment, just before going back to his phone.

As much as this guy gets on my nerves, I will have to admit he is very good looking. He has perfectly angled eyes, wonderful face structure and lovely hair. Though his attractiveness is overpowered by his rudeness.

"So your not going to tell me why your still here?" I give him an unsure expression but it doesn't seem to get to him, and he just ignores me.

I huff and take a seat on my bed, staring at the boy across from the room. Hoping I would burn my eyes into his face, leave permanent scars on his smooth ass skin. How has he managed to make me so mad on just the first day?

I don't even know why I'm so worked up.

Maybe I should approach this calmly one more time.

"Hey Mr Minho? Uhm I would just like to know if your going to stay in this room, I could order you some food or something?"



This bitch.

Even after offering to order food for him?

The disrespect is crazy.

Just when I'm about to pull an 'I am also gonna ignore you' card on him, he suddenly gets up and walks out the door into the kitchen.



I hear him call out to me as I pull out a pan that I had packed in my suitcase and already put in the kitchen. Yes I brought a pan in a suitcase. Anyways if I'm going to live the dorm life, without going crazy, I'm just going to do my own thing. You know I obviously don't want to be in this situation. So I'm not gonna be.

To me there's no other person in this room.

"Minho!! You really love not talking you tall piece of stone looking ass!"

Ah but of course I had to get a feisty shortass as my roommate.

I'm just not going to accept it.

I turn on the stove and crack an egg or two for some quick breakfast for dinner type meal. I had gone grocery shopping during the day, junior campus tours ended earlier and so I had enough time to pick up a few things.

Hah this is easy, living alone is a walk in the park.

Because there's no one to bother me.

Because I live alone.

Suddenly I feel a tug on my arm, causing me to drop an egg on the floor. "Yah Minho atleast tell me what happened-"His voice trails off when he sees what he's done.

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