Chapter 36 - Tear him to shreds

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"Let. Him. Fucking. Go."

I've lived most of my life in the same bedroom, the one in my mansion of course. Why would I leave? I had maids who would bring me whatever I asked for. Not to mention I was safer from... him... atleast on the bad days.

The only time I really left the house was for school. I garnered attention but never knew how to receive it in a nice manner. Even though i never talked much, I guess the females 'desire' for me made me a common enemy for the other boys at school.

I've only scraped once or twice. Never anything serious since what did I really have to defend? I mean what was the worst they were going to do, break the Lee heirs nose? My father could do that if he wanted to.

Id never had anything to protect, no reason to engage in a physical fight besides from self defense. So the rage I felt in that moment was a new awakening.

Someone was going to hurt my Jisung.

Something in my brain had clicked into place, like the fear I felt when I saw that knife to his neck turned to pure rage. Nobody is allowed to do this to him. How did he even get out there? Who does this person think he is trying to hurt him? I need him safe. I need jisung. Did this man think he could take that from me?

I guess love comes with something to protect.

I lock eyes with Jisung in the man's arms. I saw the way he was shaking in fear, his pleading eyes as his voice was muffled against the hand of his kidnapper.


A voice from behind Jisung and the man catch all of our attention. The voice was clearly recognizable to me and jisung as I watched his eyes light up.

The man turns around to find the voice, he had people on both sides of him, he was weak. The moment the man's grip on jisung loosened and he turned around, I lunged for him. I push him to the ground from the back, the knife in his hand going skidding across the hallway. Felix immediately reacts and pulls jisung into his arms, away from the man.

In one swift motion, I turn the man over to meet his eyes, he was surprised and scared as he let out a small grunt. I was going to make this quick since I don't exactly want the whole dorm to wake up to the commotion. Even though I wanted to tear him to shreds.

I hold his throat tight in place, "Who the hell are you?" I ask as my grip gets tighter. When the man doesn't answer, I refuse to show mercy. I clench my fist and bring it straight to his cheek, he groans in pain as another punch hits his other cheek.

"Minho lets go inside." Felix speaks from the sidelines as he holds jisung

I pin him tighter against the floor, planting punches on his stomach, watching as he wriggles on pain. One of my hands go to his hair, pulling it tightly making him yell out in pain.

"MINHO! I said let's go inside."

I wanted to rip the man to shreds right here, but I knew Felix was right. Nothing good would come out of waking the whole grade up in this moment.

I finally pull away, the man below me nw had a busted lip and swelling cheek as I got off him. He sits up groaning in pain before I take him by the neck and into our dorm.

Was it a good idea to take a stranger who just threatened my boyfriends life into our shared dorm? Obviously no. But I think Felix and I both realized we couldn't let him go until the police arrived.

Felix takes over, holding the man as he tied his wrists to the kitchen chair, almost like he's done this before. I take this opportunity to catch my breath and look back at the shaking boy behind me.

With out a second thought I pull the younger toward me, one hand on his headand the other on his back, holding him like i almost lost him.

"L-love..." I hiccup as jisung returns the hug immediately, his shaking body pressed against mine and his shaky breaths being muffled into my chest.

It felt like we were in eachothers arms for hours, my brain felt a million miles away. The fog slowly clearing as it finally registers that jisung is here with me and safe.

"I-I'm so sorry hyung I s-shouldn't have opened the door." Jisung blabbers as he sniffles, "I thought it would be Felix I invited him to talk about your dad and h-he just grabbed me I-i shouldn't have let him g-get to the door-"

"Jisung n-none of this is your fault." I wipe his tears when he lifts his head, "I'm the one who put you in danger. H-he wanted to hurt you because of me..."

Jisung places his own small hand on my cheek as he steps on his toes to kiss me passionately. I could taste saltiness of his tears.

This had gone too far.

My father hurt me. Fine. Okay. Used to it. He put me in this school. It's okay, probably one of the better things he's done. But hurting somebody I love? He knew jisung was my weakness, he knew he could provoke emotion with the threat of losing him.

What a sick man.

At the thought of it, I wanted to turn around and add some more bruises on the mysterious man's face, but Felix was quicker, "The police are on their way." He types away on a laptop I hadn't even realize he had taken out. "I think I got the video of the security cameras outside the rooms and the one outside the building a few days ago... just gotta edit the length a bit and it'll be ready to post."

"Post?" I blink, looking between jisung and Felix in confusion.

"What? Did you really think I'm not going to take this opportunity to help your case?" Felix rolls his eyes and turns to the man who had now been duct taped and tied to a chair. "Remember, getting the public mad is the best kind of power."

With a groan, Felix rips the tape off the man's mouth. "Might as well tell us exactly who sent you before you get arrested anyway." Felix shrugs .

"You little fucking bitches!" The man suddenly yells out, speaking the most words he has since we met him. "Mr Lee said it would be easy! It's just a bunch of 16 or 17 year olds! Why are you so damn strong!" He looks so done when Felix lifts up his mask. I could almost feel my eye twitch in annoyance.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Hyung be nice." Jisung tugs my sleeve at my side with a pout.

"Be nice? This man tried to fucking kill you. What would I have done if I didn't get you away from him?" I raise my voice as I place my hands on the younger shoulders.

"I'm okay now babe." He reassures me again. Man was Jisung so strong. No matter how scared he was, he was still in this room with this man who just tried to kill him. I almost admired his bravery, the thing I never had.

"Tell us about what else your boss wanted you to do." Felix narrows his eyes at the man, his laptop screen loading with the upload button.

The man stays silent, probably regretting even revealing what he had so far.

"What's your name then?" Felix tries.

No response.

"You know I was trying not to hurt you because there are literal police officers about to show." The boy adds on hoping for one last answer. But nothing.

With a sigh, Felix fixes his stance as he roundhouse kicks the man, sending his grumpy ass face into one of pain.

It had only been two days since he last saw his father. Two days of things going wrong. My secrets being revealed. Life or death situations. My boyfriend being in danger.

I was frustrated. Mad to say the least. Pissed off.

I want to be happy.

"Felix, hit him with another."

Thanks for all the support on my books! I'm starting to feel like an established writer after making all these stories. Thank you so much!

I honestly never thought any of my books would even reach 1k reads hehe

Hope you enjoyed!

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