Chapter 12 - Damn keep it down

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"Nah bro it was so loud like goddamn even me and binnie try to keep it down."

"I'm gonna ignore that last part but was it really that loud? I couldn't hear shit in the sophomore junior dorms."

"I'm not lying when I said my whole dorm hall was talking about it man!" Felix jumps up while exaggerating his words, "Like what we're they even doing in a dorm bro, since when was that the ideal location."

With that thought, me and Felix start to snicker while slapping eachothers shoulders at the situation. The whole sophomore dorms have been going crazy due to the lack of sleep.

Courtesy to the loud ass moans echoing through the halls in the middle of the night.

Felix has been non stop laughing about it, but it seems like he's just coping with the trauma with laughter because I can see those tears in his eyes.

Half the grade has been trying to sign up for therapy this morning so im guessing it was pretty bad.

We continue to giggle quietly in the cafe, trying our best not to disturb the other costumers. But we couldn't help it.

This was going to go down in Seoul Scholars history.

A ring from the cafe door opening catches our attention. The puppy boy that we have been waiting for walks on in.

And our jaws drop.

I look at Felix and he looks at me, eyes being as wide as humanely possible, before immediately looking back at seungmin.

"W-what?" He nervously rubs his neck as more of the makeup smears.

"WHAT THE F-" I quickly covers Felix's mouth before he loudly cussed infront the whole cafe.

"Seungmin-ah..." Words get caught in my throat as this whole situation was the last thing I would've thought of in my hours of overthinking.

"SEUNG MMM YOU NAUGHTY MMM" I struggle to keep my hand against Felix's mouth but his muffled screams can still be understood. Seungmin chuckles nervously for a second before completely collapsing the chair next to me, his head dropping directly onto the table with a thud.

Even with his head in his arms, purple hickeys across his neck are visible through the smudged concealer. The makeup certainly not doing its job well if it was this obvious seungmin was the reason why most students were in the counseling hall booking a therapy appointment right now.

"Seungmin... I never would've thought...."

"Aish I thought atleast you two would be on my side!" He mumbles into his arms, still too embarassed to look up at us again.

Felix finally calms enough for me to remove my hand from his mouth. "I knew you mentioned your roommates abs too many times for it to be nothing!"

Suddenly seungmins head shoots up, "it's not my roommate it could be anymore why would it be my roommate like bold of you to assume that I would stoop that low but like I could do anyone else-"

"Seungmin we know it's your roommate." I shake my head softly at the boy being so far gone.

"No it's not I promise it's not!" He shakes his head vigously. "I litterally hate him so much! You know how many times I tried to stay at your dorm so I wouldn't be with him!"

"Mmm i don't knowwww." Felix grins playfully, "Well then we'll just stop by after classes then."

"W-what?" His face brightens up.

"Oh good idea! We haven't even meet your roommate or seen your dorm!" I add agreeing to Felix's proposition.

And so, after a long, and especially embarassing for seungmin, day, we head to the puppy boys dorm. The boy many times complained about his 'annoying' roommate, and me and Felix being the noisy twins, we had to find out the truth.

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