14- Daylight

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Chapter 14- A Gift?

~Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time-You and I drink the poison from the same vine~

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~Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time-
You and I drink the poison from the same vine~

"At last, you're finally here!" The shinobi with dark brown hair said.

Y/N was relieved to see Minato approach her squadron beneath the trenches.

"So, What's your status?"

"There are at least 50 enemy ninjas. By comparison, only the five of us here are left," he answered.

Minato turned to Y/N who sat behind the shinobi speaking.

"I'm happy to see you alive and well."

"Did you think I was gonna die out there?" Y/N chuckled. "Not likely, sir."

"She actually handled most of them," The male speaking, pointed at her. "Something I never want to witness ever again," he shivered.

Minato raised a brow.

"I would handle the rest of them myself again, but I don't have enough chakra right now," Y/N looked around disappointedly.


"All of you please direct these kunai knives at the enemy all at once," the Yellow Flash ordered. "I'll take care of the rest myself."

"That's crazy, not even you could possibly—"

"Be quiet." Someone ordered. "Do as he says."

Y/N agreed, "Let's do it."

"We'll get to see how the Yellow Flash of the Leaf battles. Just don't blink, you'll miss it."


"C'mon you got this," Obito clapped his cheeks not realizing he just alerted the enemy of his location.

Kakashi quickly appeared from behind and blocked a frontal attack on Obito. He gasped and watched as blood splattered on Kakashi.

"A ninja must never let their guard down."

Kakashi turned around only to be wounded across the eye.


"Rin, are you okay?" Obito waved a hand in front of her face.

She teared up, nodding.


Minato sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Y/N, go."

"Huh?" She sat up, confused.

"Go with them, now. They need you," With wide eyes she turned to run. "No problem, Minato."

He smiled and looked in front of him.

"Be safe, Y/N."


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