Chapter 6- The Broken Uchiha

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In the midst of battle, Naruto and Sasuke had teamed up and fought against Obito, whom is the Juubi's Jinchuuriki. The two shinobi from Team Seven had fought Obito in their separate respective avatars. Naruto used his Kyuubi fox avatar and Sasuke had used his humanoid Susanoo. Jugo has been at Sasuke side to lend him senjutsu.

Sasuke decided to do something different. Naruto gasped as he saw Sasuke doing something to his humanoid Susanoo. "I believe this is what Madara had done in the past." Sasuke noted as he fit his purple Susanoo armor around the Naruto's Kyuubi avatar.

Hashirama caught a glimpse of the duo's transformation. "That's the"

Naruto and Sasuke whom had now combined their efforts had created a large purple Susanoo armored Kyuubi with a Susanoo katana. Obito Uchiha had his Sword of Nunoboku held in his left hand and his massive black shield into his right.

"Come on!" Obito yelled.

The duo clashed their most powerful avatar weapons against Obito's. Obito's massive shield made a great defense against the Susanoo wearing Kyuubi's katana, and his speed was too great for Naruto and Sasuke to catch.

Obito looked to the night sky and glanced at the bright full moon. "The moonlit dream will fill this hellish void has finally come! The divine blade of the Sage of the Six Paths, Nunoboku, is in my possession and it is quite formidable. What little hope you had just went out the window. You will all succumb to Project Tsuki no Me." Obito said.

Naruto downgraded to his chakra mode, still in sync with Sage Mode. He somehow called his classmates from the Konoha Eleven. The first to notice was Kiba.

"Hey, guys isn't that—"

"Yeah." Shino responded.

Team Guy suddenly sensed Naruto, calling for them as well.

"Lee. Tenten." Neji called.

"I think that's Naruto calling us!" Rock Lee said.

"Yup, that's him. Let's go!" Tenten responded.

"He's calling for us!" Shikamaru said as Team Asuma placed chakra into their feet and ran towards Naruto and Sasuke.

"Sasuke. We only get one shot at this. As soon as we see an opening we're going to strike!" Naruto informed Sasuke.

"Got it." Sasuke replied.

Within the Kyuubi Susanoo, Naruto had summoned nine massive Rasengan within each tail. The Konoha Eleven Kiba, Shino, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Rock Lee, Tenten, plus Sai had made long jumps and penetrated each of the Kyuubi tails.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Tsunade use a jutsu to constantly rejuvenate the remaining Allied Shinobi Forces as they fight on against Obito.

Most of Konoha Eleven gasped as Naruto's Kyuubi cloaks were automatically worn and giant spiral Rasengan had appeared before them.

'What is this!?' Tenten thought.

"These Rasengan I trust that them to you! Use them to destroy that black shield!" Naruto demanded, telekinetically.

'Will we I really be able to do it?' Rock Lee thought, feeling hesitant.

'Of course you can, Lee! You can do it!" Neji encouraged Lee, telekinetically.

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