Chapter 12- Wake Up

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Madara laughed. "Amazing... I'm alive again! And could feel my blood boiling at this second!"

Four Allied Shinobi, such as Minato, Kakashi, Neji and Gaara stared at the new seem-to-be unstoppable, Madara Uchiha, who had just became the Juubi's Jinchuuriki. They knew they could not defeat Madara in their current conditions. All they could really do was pray for a miracle.

"Which one of you shinobi want to help me test my new power?" Madara asked, kindly.

These four brave shinobi grunted, waiting for Madara to make a move, but Kakashi gasped, as he saw something weird with Madara. Without their knowledge, nor Madara's... Madara's Rinnegan started to crumble.

"Hm? What's this?" Madara's noticed that his vision was now black. He then closed his eye sockets, after his Rinnegan had crumbled, like shards of glass or paper.

"Wait... what's going on? His eyes..." Gaara asked as he saw Madara's face.

"They crumbled for an apparent reason..." Kakashi said.

"But why?" Neji asked.

'It seems that my Rinnegan had crumbled. Now that I am alive again...'

"Greetings, Lord Madara." White Zetsu said, after he had emerged from the ground, up, which caused the shinobi to grunt.

"That's White Zetsu." Gaara said, then he got a flashback, during the Five Kage Summit.

Madara turned his face towards White Zetsu. "Where is it?"

"Right here, Lord Madara." White Zetsu stretched his hand towards Madara. His hand had Madara's original Rinnegan. Without a simple thank you, Madara chopped off White Zetsu's wrist and put it near his eye.

"What the hell's he doing?" Neji asked.

Madara then discarded White Zetsu's amputated wrist, then blinked a couple of times in his right eye socket. Madara had a Rinnegan in his right eye, now. "Ah, that's better." He said, as some steam. "This Rinnegan sees really good, White Zetsu."

"Thank you, Lord Madara. I had to blow on it and spit shine, so it could stay clean." White Zetsu said, honestly.

Madara stayed quiet for a moment and frowned. He didn't say a word, after what White Zetsu said. Without hesitation or warning, Madara had decapitated White Zetsu's head without remorse or regret.

"With such speed... it was like, that White Zetsu was nothing, but expendable." Gaara noted.

"He didn't even give a second thought, about killing him." Neji said.

Kakashi, Neji, Minato and Neji gasped, after witnessing such speed Madara had produced.

"Kakashi." Minato called. "Get ready to use my kunai, on my command."

"Got it, Senesi." Kakashi responded, as he took a few kunai from Minato.

Madara turned to Black Zetsu, as if he forgot what happened. "Black Zetsu. I believe the time has come, that you bring me that left Rinnegan."

"Yes, Lord Madara." Black Zetsu responded. He then tried split himself from Obito's body, with the Rinnegan in his possession.

"He's taking the Rinnegan!" Kakashi noticed, as Black Zetsu was attempting to separate from Obito's body.

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