Chapter 17- Final Battle

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Neji who activated his Byakugan had watched the start from a few kilometers away and had nearly smiled. He was starting to see Madara get backed into a corner for once.

"Neji. Are you able to see what's going on?" Kakashi asked, as he stared at Neji's backside.

"Yes. I can." Neji began to say as he stared forward.

"Please, tell us. I need to know what's going on, now." Kakashi said.

"It seems that Lady Hinata, Naruto and Sasuke have finally backed Madara into a corner. It also seems that their newfound powers combined happens to be far more than what Madara could handle." Neji explained.

Kakashi, Sakura, Gaara, Tenten and Rock Lee all gasp and grunt in shock after hearing what Neji said.

"Wait, what? Naruto and Hinata are actually winning?!" Tenten jumped in surprise.

Rock Lee gripped his right fist and smiled big. "That's great news!"

"Now all they have to do is kill Madara and then this war will be over, once and for all." Gaara said, thinking about the positive side.

"Yeah. I agree." Kakashi replied to Gaara.

As the others talked, Sakura's body stood still, after hearing what Neji had said. She remained silent, as her eyes remained in shock. 'No way... both Naruto and Sasuke are fighting Madara?' Sakura lowered her head. Her eyes were darkened by shadow and gripped her fist. "If they're both there...' Sakura gripped her fists tightly and took a step forward.

"Hm?" Kakashi looked over to Sakura.

Sakura began to run where Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata was. 'Then I must help them out, too! I am a member of Team Seven!' This caught the attention of Team Guy, Kakashi and Gaara.

Neji deactivated his Byakugan for a moment to see Sakura running. 'What is she-'

"Sakura! Wait!" Kakashi yelled as he stretched his hand out towards her backside.

"Sakura!" Rock Lee yelled, as he watched her run towards their allies. He then tried to run after her.

Sakura tried to ignore Kakashi and Rock Lee's plea, but kept running. 'I'm sorry, Kakashi-sensei. But I need to-' Sakra grunted and stopped as she saw a big wall of sand in front blocking her path, caused by Gaara. "This sand..." She looked back to see Gaara raising his hand upwards and releasing sand from his big gourd. 'Gaara?'

"Sakura! Don't go anywhere!" Kakashi ordered his student.

"But Naruto and Sasuke are fighting over there! I want to join them, not because they're my friends... but because we're still Team Seven!" Sakura argued.

"I get it, Sakura. I want to help them out as much as you do. I want us to fight again as Team Seven! But we need to be smart about it. Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata are our only chances defeating Madara and winning this war, once and for all. If you go over there, without thinking... you'd only be throwing your life away. We can't risk losing a powerful medical-Ninja like you." Kakashi reasoned.

Sakura grunted as she knows what Kakashi said is correct. If she dies, they will lose a special medic like her. And Tsunade wouldn't be happy at all. She looked down with sadness in her eyes, knowing that she is powerless against Madara. The next thing she knew that a hand was placed on her shoulder, which caught her off guard.

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