Chapter 11-One Step Close to Victory

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Madara Uchiha had just arrived and he is not happy. He glared at Black Zetsu, expecting an honest explanation on why Madara was not revived with the Rinne Rebirth technique.

"I demand you tell me why did you fail, Black Zetsu." Madara said with an angry tone.

Black Zetsu bends a knee. "Forgive me, Lord Madara. For I did not mean to fail..."

"I do not want to hear any of your excuses. I came here because I want to know why you have failed! Be honest, now."

Black Zetsu then pointed in the shinobi's direction. "It was because... of them."

Madara glanced over at Kakashi and the others without moving his head to look at them.

"I don't know how... but they knew that I was planning to use the Gedo Art: Rinne Rebirth technique to revive you." Black Zetsu pointed over at Kakashi. "That guy... Kakashi had used genjutsu on me... forcing me to revive the Allied Shinobi Forces."

Madara sighed. "I told you not to give me any of your excuses. You are my will. You are supposed to be immune to genjutsu." he claimed.

"My apologies, Lord Madara." Black Zetsu apologized.

"Did you at least capture the other half of the Kyuubi? I told White Zetsu to inform you to possess it while I arrive."

"No. I didn't. The Fourth Hokage had managed to seal it within Naruto while I was attacked by the Hyuga brat." Black Zetsu said honestly.

"What a disappointment you have become, Back Zetsu. I guess after Project Tsuko no Me is complete, I'll just have to discipline you, myself." Madara said coldly before sighing once more. "Oh well. I'll take care of this myself."

As Madara talked with Black Zetsu, the Allied Shinobi such as Kakashi, Gaara, Neji and Minato had stood side by side, ready to face Madara. Minato had activated Sage Mode and wielded his special kunai in his left hand. Kakashi's Sharingan wielded a normal kunai and his Sharingan was activated. Neji had activated his Byakugan and took his Gentle Fist stance and Gaara was ready to launch his sand while Sakura took guard of Naruto's unconscious body.

"Be ready, everyone." Minato said.

"On it." Neji replied.

Madara staired down the four shinobi and Kage before him. Madara knew that each and everyone of them were ready to fight to their dying breathes, except for Minato, whom was already dead. He glanced over at Minato, who was all the way to the left. 'The Fourth Hokage... also known as the Yellow Flash of Konohagakure. He has the same transportation technique as Tobirama. I gotta be careful not to be touched by him.' He then glanced at the person next to him, which was Neji Hyuga. 'The Hyuga brat that punched Naruto earlier.' Madara recalled as when Naruto was about to give up, Neji had punched him, making him snap out of it and fight again. 'He's highly gifted in the Gentle Fist. If I was alive, I would be worried not to be touched by his Gentle Fist...' He then glanced over at Gaara. 'The Kazekage brat that was with the Five Kage earlier...' Madara thought earlier when they fought and when Gaara tried to stop him from taking Shukaku. 'He can control large amounts of sand without wasting so much chakra. He was also the Ichibi's former Jinchuuriki.' Then Madara finally glanced at last, but not least... Kakashi. 'Kakashi Hatake. The Copy Ninja. He possesses the same Sharingan as Obito. Whatever his Magekyou Sharingan can do... I have to be careful.'

"Do we strike first?" Neji asked.

"No. If we charge at him without a strategy, we're just throwing our lives away." Kakashi said.

"Kakashi's right. We can't risk losing anyone right now. The most we can do is protect Naruto." Minato said.

Gaara kept his eyes peeled on Madara. "It looks like he's coming..."

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