Chapter 10- Guess Who Just Arrive

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Let's burn our youth power to the max and help everyone!" Might Guy shouted, then glanced at Rock Lee, whom was helping him up. "Lee!" Then he looked at Tenten. "Tenten!"

"Yes!" Rock Lee replied.

Might Guy suddenly collapsed in Rock Lee's arms and felt dizzy. "Uurgh," he groaned.

"You're exhausted, Guy-sensei!" Rock Lee stated.

"Your body can't keep up with your optimistic mind!" Tenten yelled a her teacher.

"Huh?" Rock Lee's ear heard a swooming noise from above and looked up to see Gaara's sand flying. His round eyes looked closely, as he spotted of Gaara and Sakura riding on top of sand flying east, away from the Allied Shinobi Forces. "That's Gaara's sand... and Sakura's with him, too..."

"Why are they leaving the Allied Shinobi Forces?" Tenten asked, as she stared at the flying piles of sand.

"Considering that Naruto's Kyuubi chakra suddenly vanished and Sakura left the medical team. I believe the action is happening the same place where Kakashi and Neji are..."

"Yes! We have to go help Neji and Kakashi-sensei!" Rock Lee yelled with optimisim in his voice.

"Right!" Tenten said.

"Than it's settled!" Might Guy had stretched his hand towards the direction that Gaara and Sakura had flown. "We're going to help Kakashi and Neji and to finally put an end to this war!"

Tenten took a moment and wondered about her teammate, Neji Hyuga. 'Neji... I hope you're alright.' She wondered, until she felt a rumble from the ground. She grunted, as she stood and heard the rumble. 'An earthquake?'

Rock Lee tried to keep balance within his feet, with Might Guy on his side, due to the rumble. They groaned a bit.

"What's happening, Guy-sensei?" Rock Lee asked, as he held on to his sensei.

"That Lee, I don't know, yet. " Might Guy said honestly.

The three members of Team Guy had gasped, as they saw the Gedo Statue moving east miles away. They froze as they watched the Gedo Statue walk elsewhere. The Gedo Statue, nor Madara paid no attention to the three shinobi as they headed towards the Fourth Hokage.

Rock Lee was a little shocked. "Guy-sensei! Isn't that..."

"Yes, Lee. That is the giant ugly Statue that I fought earlier."

"And by it's direction... It looks like they're heading east. That's where Neji and Kakashi-sensei are!" Tenten informed.

Might Guy took a breather and gripped his fist. "Let's go after it."

"Yes! I agree!" Rock Lee replied without complaint or hesitation.

Tenten snapped. "You want us to follow that thing!? Are you crazy!?"

"Tenten, don't complain." Might Guy then pointed at the Gedo Statue's location. "Following the Gedo Statue will lead us straight to Kakashi and Neji."

"Yes. I agree. If we make it in time, we all can work together and stop that Madara guy." Rock Lee said.

"Well said, Lee." Might Guy then stood on his two feet for a brief moment and smiled. "We are going to defeat that Madara guy with the power of YOUTH!" Guy punched his fist towards the sky.

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