Chapter 14- The Princess of the Hyuga

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"Who are... you?" Madara asked, almost completely healed from his previous battle with Might Guy.

Hinata heard Madara's question with her ears, despite being yards away from each other. She turned and looked to Madara, who was leaning on the Shinju Tree.

"I have come to stop you... Madara Uchiha." Hinata answered, as she glanced at him.

After Madara's body had completely healed, he took this time levitating towards Hinata and landed feet. They stared at each other and stood face to face with one another. Wind blew passed both of them, and they had not uttered a single word, ever since Madara landed.

Meanwhile, they were being watched and examined by Neji from afar, who activated his Byakugan and was at least two kilometers away from them, along with Tenten, Kakashi and Rock Lee.

"What's going on now, Neji?" Tenten asked.

"La... it's Lady Hinata... she's alive!" Neji said in misbelief.

Rock Lee, Tenten and Kakashi gasped in surprise.

"Hinata's alive?" Kakashi asked.

"That's great news!" Tenten's eyes watered after hearing Neji say that. She tried her best to wipe the tears of joy within her eyes.

"Yes! I knew it! Hinata's alive again!" Rock Lee comically sobbed with joy.

'So... the Rinne Rebirth technique did work after all...' Kakashi thought, as he remembered using genjutsu on Obito to force him to use Rinne Rebirth technique to revive the Allied Shinobi Forces. He sighed in relief.

"And that's not all..." Neji hesitated to finish.

"Huh?" Rock Lee stopped jumping, as he sees Neji's body temporarily shaking.

"What's wrong, Neji?" Kakshi asked, as he sees Neji partially shaking.

"Lady Hinata... she's..." Neji gripped his left fist. "She's going to battle Madara Uchiha, all by herself!" He yelled.

This news completely shocked Gaara, Tenten, Rock Lee and Kakashi.

"She's going to take on Madara by herself?" Gaara asked in shock.

"T-that's insane!" Tenten said in shock.

"There's no way Hinata can win!" Rock Lee said in disbelief.

"Tch!" Neji grunted. He then lowered his head and his eyes were darkened by shadow.

Neji is Hinata's personal trainer and guardian outside the Hyuga compound. He remembered back when they were younger. Shortly after his father, Hizashi died, he became bitter towards the Hyuga Clan's main household, especially to Hinata Hyuga. His younger cousin.

He remembered making a few life threatening attempts towards her, but would usually be stopped by others. Neji would later regret making those attempts, as she knew that Hinata was kind, gentle and innocent. His biggest regret in life was letting Hinata Hyuga die on the battlefield. Neji, a member of the branch house was sworn to protect the main household. Even if it costs them their lives.

Now that Hinata is alive again and is prepared to face Madara, his fear of losing Hinata again might come true. In his heart, Neji could not abide with letting his cousin, Hinata die again.

'No... I won't let you die again, Lady Hinata... not this time! I can't let you die!' Neji gripped his fist tightly, then grunted. He started running at a fast pace.

"Neji!" Tenten yelled.

"Neji stop! Don't go over there!" Kakashi ordered.

Neji stopped running and temporarily turned to his senior, Kakashi. "But Lady Hinata's facing Madara all alone! I won't let her to die again!"

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