Chapter 3: Fury

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Temptest was shocked. Her frame stiffened and her spark sputtered.

She had watched Optimus drive his sword through Starscream's spark, how was he alive? Was this some sort of cruel joke? Temptest had never understood Optimus's sadistic fascination with her, but this was taking it too far.

"Temptest!" Megatron protested as she jumped out from their hiding place and ran straight into the open, fury written across her expression.

The bright blue and red of Optimus's new paint job was like a glowing target. Temptest fired her blaster at him rapidly, quickly pulling the Prime's attention away from the sky and toward her.

She lunged at him, her sharp claws aimed straight for his optics. Optimus hit the ground, barely catching ahold of her wrists before she could tear his helm in half. In the back of her mind, Temptest could feel pain as her damaged servo tore open further, but the adrenaline and anger running through her pipes was more than enough to overpower it.


"I do not know–" Optimus struggled to push her off of him "–to what you refer!"

Temptest enraged attack was only strengthened by the lie and she kneed him in the abdomen before punching him in the face. It was too late by the time Temptest realized he had allowed her to hit him so that he could gain the upper servo. Optimus grasped her shoulders and threw her sideways.

She rolled across the dirt, but lifted her helm quickly, still seeing red. Optimus and her stood, Temptest with blood on her mind and Optimus with a deceivingly bewildered expression. It was like he thought she was crazy or something. Oh, she would show him what crazy looked like.


Her helm shot to the side, spotting Megatron being shot at by Autobots but teamed up with Starscream and strange clones. The glimpse was short. Optimus used the distraction to tackle her and pin her to the dirt.

"Piece of slag!" Temptest screeched. "I swear by the Allspark, I will destroy you! I will rip out your spark if it is the last thing I do! I'll make you choke on your own severed energon lines!"

"I find that unnecessary and violent," Optimus told her, looking disturbed.

Temptest could hear the click of his comms activating as he contacted the other heathens. "Autobots, retreat to the forest. Ratchet, a groundbridge would be appreciated. Keep the humans out of sight, we will be bringing a prisoner."

Something in Temptest broke. "The humans!? You're kidnapping humans now!? What have you done to them!?"

"Nothing," Optimus frowned. "Would you please stop struggling? I believe you are misguided."

"Misguided!?" Temptest wanted nothing more than to eject her blade and stab him repeatedly. "What would you know of misguidance, scrapheap!?"


"Optimus, the Decepticons are advancing," Arcee appeared behind the Prime. "We need to go."

Temptest was genuinely shocked Arcee had spoke so informally to the Prime. No Optimus Prime? No Lord? And she'd told Optimus what he needed to do. The last time she'd seen an Autobot be so bold, they'd had their arm ripped off. In fact, it was Arcee that Temptest remembered being punished.

To her surprise, Optimus nodded appreciatively and tightened his grip on Temptest's forearms. "Do not struggle. I don't want to hurt you."

"Screw you," Temptest sneered.

"Why are we taking this maniac prisoner?" Arcee followed Optimus, keeping a careful optic on Temptest.

"Yeah, scrapheap, I thought you didn't take prisoners," Temptest scoffed. "You must be getting soft."

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